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Last Activity: 06-28-2024, 08:31 AM
Joined: 05-13-2024
Location: ciudad del plata, san jose
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  • My superior says that what you just described is more or less what he already tried, and it didn't work because of the system structure, we need more info about the software too....
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  • On the monday we will continue on our job with this, then I will send you a response, sorry....
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  • We are talking now with the software guys and they will give it a try at the things on the post, maybe in a month or so they will come to a solution, the problem here is not time so that's fine for now, here it is very hard to find 4GB or less pendrives, and sending pcs with them would make them easy to steal/damage, we will wait, if I receive a update on this I will post again, if I remember when that time comes....
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  • Okey I will explain the best I can with the little english I know (sorry for the confusion), we are a bussiness where companies contract us for state related work, like pcs, where we get them as a sort of donation, we pay for them but it's so little money that they are basically donations, more like a garbage disposal, sometimes our clients donate to us in exchange for money their old computers, which sometimes are really good, some of the are uefi-only, we have 2 sectors on my side, the software and hardware sectors, I'm on the hardware sector, the software sector is really busy so we can't go...
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  • The "EFI or UEFI partition" thing we've already tried but didn't work, the other part is outside our sector, we can make alterations but they have the "source code" (The "software sector"), so I don't know if these are all my options, it feels that I am missing something out :/
    I will ask them if they used the bootloader already, but I think they already use one, since before entering the OS they can select on boot which OS we se, since we use mint and other thing that I forgot, some kind of backup manager created by them, I barely use it so I just forgot to...
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  • Hello, the usb would need to be with the machine at all times right? since that would be a temporal solution which is not what I am hoping for, since we have to donate this machines to multiple institutions we cannot send them with usbs, since we don't have much of those, my superior said he already tried making a EFI distro on a partition of the disk with the other beign the mint distro and it didn't work, sadly...
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  • It's just that the higher ups on the "software" sector dislike to work, so, we have since a long time now the linux mint 19.3 tricia distribution, on legacy, we use a common hdd as a cloning station for multiple other ssd and hdd (we don't even work with m.2), since we work with donated systems, we sometimes come around with these uefi-only systems, which is a problem because of the before mentioned circumstances, I would prefer something easy to do, like transform the disks to kernel, change the bios (Only I can do it, since the ch341a is mine and only I know how to use it to some extent)...
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  • That seems complicated for me, maybe one of my superiors might know, but since none of us are engineers this might not work....
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  • hexdy
    started a topic Modify BIOS to non-uefi

    Modify BIOS to non-uefi

    Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to modify a BIOS file to accept a legacy disk when it does not have the capability, I had this problem on a Optiplex 3060 that were donated to my job where we use non-uefi linux distros, we cannot use uefi since is a "big machine" with this systems beign the center of all of it, we can't change the distro now, maybe make some changes, but if I can modify the BIOS it would be awesome.
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  • I am new on the industry but I do love raw programming and pcs, I hope to learn a lot on this site, cheers from Uruguay...
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