Hello everyone! My name is Greg, with computers and any tech since 1993. First interaction with tech was at school: Bulgarian PC [B][URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pravetz_(computer)"]Pravetz[/URL] [/B]8a (on a CM 630 cpu and 256kB of RAM). Grew up on Pentium 2 300MHz computers, 128MB of RAM, 8MB VGA, 1GB HDD. Learned, burned, trashed many components. Still remember installation of windows 95 using 13-15 floppy disks. It was fun and torture. Today I have Ryzen 5600x, B550 aorus elite, 16GB of GSKILL 3600, RX580 8GB, 850W EVGA SuperNOVA 80Plus Gold.Hello everyone! My name is Greg,