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Last Activity: 05-21-2024, 11:36 PM
Joined: 02-23-2024
Location: Istanbul
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    First of all, thank you for your help. The steps were different from the steps in the user manual, so it didn't work again. I'm sharing it here to keep it as a resource.
    As you know that, I removed HDD before.

    I entered the response code you gave, the following screen appeared,

    [ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\timage.png Views:\t0 Size:\t172.5 KB ID:\t3248796","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"3248796","data-size":"full","title":"image.png"}[/ATTACH]...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Thanks for fast answer.. I removed the hard disk. I changed the bios battery. I connected the device to UPS against power outages. Now a new challenge code is below.

    PC Serial no: 18069737H

    Challenge Code: GJDAX-529MN-7W3EN-6XYVD-C8PFA

    Model: Toshiba Tecra S5

    I would be pleased if you give the response code, this time when you enter the bios, it will say 'registered' in the password section, as before. But I won't be able to see the password. If it asks for a password again when you save and exit after changing the date and time, we will...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password

    Response Code = P1AFN-J26PY-QF1Q4-A71AH-1G1RA[/QUOTE]

    Dear Evserv;

    I entered the response code, it said 'certified' and then asked me to correct the time, which I did. Then it said 'registered' in the password section and
    I entered 4 pcs 0's there as the new password (0000). Then it said save it Y/N, I saved it and the device was turned off and turned on again and when asked for the password;
    I entered 0000 but it said 'not certified' again and did not accept it.

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    Last edited by SMDFlea; 04-06-2024, 02:21 AM. Reason: Personal contact info is not allowed,read the rules

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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Dear Erserv, I want to inform you that above mentioned challenge code is not mineπŸ˜₯
    Could you have confused it with the code of our friend whose member name is 'sakal'?

    I know I'm making you tired, but I've been waiting with the device on for a long time.πŸ™„

    my code is here and computer still opened. Screenshoot is already below.
    PC Serial no: 18069737H
    Challenge Code: 8VVTF-6228N-75M2N-3NMVD-Q0VVT

    Model: Toshiba Tecra S5

    [ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\timage.png Views:\t0...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Today past 6 days, computer is still powered on, i am waiting your helps if possible πŸ™„πŸ™...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    PC Serial no: 18069737H
    Challenge Code: 8VVTF-6228N-75M2N-3NMVD-Q0VVT

    Model: Toshiba Tecra S5...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Dear Evserv, just opened and checked my computer again and new challange code is here. I will be waiting till you write again and computer will be stay opened till you answered πŸ™πŸ™
    I will check this post every day, I'm afraid of a power outage. my battery is badπŸ˜…...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Oh reallyπŸ˜”πŸ˜° I really didn't know this, I made you struggle in vain, I'm very embarrassed. When I return to my country end of this month, I will open my computer and write to you that way, and I will not turn it off until I receive an answer. Please accept my apologies again.πŸ™πŸ™...
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Thank you Evserv, πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™is this response code for me? Because there are other people asking above. Unfortunately, I'm out of the country, can't reach my computer and can't try it right now. I will be back at the end of March and will write the results here.....
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  • sozmen
    replied to Toshiba password
    Dear friends, dear forum experts, I would be pleased if you could help for my old Toshiba Tecra S5, this is an old computer and didn't remember required pass.πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ™

    PC serial No: 18069737H
    Challange Code: KJDAG-WMKHP-M451J-BEEN6-PL6L7
    Response Code: ?

    [URL=filedata/fetch?id=3226519&d=1709297918][ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tTecra.jpg Views:\t0 Size:\t218.2 KB ID:\t3226519","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"3226519","data-size":"small"}[/ATTACH][/URL]...
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  • Hello Dear friends, just membered to this forum,
    I want to say hello to all members first, I am Living Istanbul Turkey and Linz Austria too

    I like all electronic parts and components. After graduated my school in 1985, start to repair old bulb type televisions, car audios, made some amplifiers etc. Today working in my own company as general manager and have some electronic engineers. We are selling radar level sensors, ultrasonic sensors to factories etc.

    Nice to meet you again.
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