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Last Activity: 02-14-2021, 09:45 PM
Joined: 09-27-2007
Location: Duisburg
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  • Re: BigTrolls Tiny Chinese System!

    Looks like the same noname china mobo I bought just for fun a couple years back, except yours actually has USB 3.0. Mine was advertised as having it and I asked the seller on ebay if it actually has USB 3.0 and he confirmed that. Ended up receiving a version without it, contacted the seller and they just immediately refunded the whole price no questions asked O.o

    Not gonna complain about a free brand new mobo

    Mine works fine, has a 2018 dated BIOS, H61 chipset and has been running stable with a random old i5 (3340...
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  • Re: Samsung Syncmaster 223BW - dead as a rock

    Better late than never: the EEPROM holding the monitors firmware shits itself.
    Flash the FW onto a new chip, replace it and it'll come back to life.

    I've bought a refurbished replacement main board on ebay from china years and years ago because it was dirt cheap (10eur shipped or something along those lines), popped it in and the monitor worked again.
    It had a little sticker with chinese printing and some pen scribbles on said EEPROM (some sort of warranty thing?) which made me wonder if that's...
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    Last edited by Scenic; 04-05-2020, 08:00 AM.

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  • Re: LG L1952HQ LCD -> no backlight

    Didn't end up selling it, kept it as a workshop test monitor. ~10 years after my last post here I finally replaced it. Still working fine but I really needed something with native HDMI and Displayport as a test monitor by now :P

    And just like 10 years ago you still can't edit your posts, so I can't fix all the now-dead links and images (still have the files). Oh well...
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  • Re: Overclocking E7500 on Intel motherboard

    Simple: forget about it.

    Intel boards are great for office boxes and the like where reliability counts more than anything else, but for overclocking, they're worthless junk.
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  • Re: Evil Lurker's poverty rig... v2.0

    ^ Must be one heck of a shitty cooler or it's not mounted right.
    Another possibility is that the heatpipes (if it has any) have leaked. I've had one cooler (Thermalright XP-120) with that problem before. Heat transfer was basically nonexistant, with the CPU idling at 50+°C. Same CPU with an intel boxed cooler (the thin one, but with a copper core) was at 36°C idle.

    I've had a E4300 (1.8GHz) running at 3GHz ([url=]link[/url]) for well over 2 years with a dirt cheap cooler...
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  • Re: Power supply build quality pictorial. part 2

    I remember playing Need for Speed II SE in Glide with my Voodoo II 12MB
    Looked sooo much better than in the regular mode on my Matrox Mystique 4MB. Perfectly smooth at all times too.

    Oh and BTW: yours is a Voodoo 3 2000. I've got the slightly beefier Voodoo 3 3000 floating around here somewhere. Mine also runs ridiculously hot (around 60°C/140°F seems to be "normal"). The tiny passive heatsink isn't really up to the job IMHO. Still works just fine though..
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  • Re: Power supply build quality pictorial. part 2

    I've seen Marcon caps before in a proprietary Commodore PC30 III PSU (Phihong PSM-1123). Still working just fine.
    The computer itself is obviously quite a bit older than yours, being a 286 12MHz...
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  • Re: Hard drive click of death

    If that's what your own PCB looks like, it's the "flying carpet" chip in the top left corner.
    WD switched to much smaller 8pin serial flash EEPROMs later on (see attachment)....
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  • Re: Evil Lurker's poverty rig... v2.0

    That, combined with the shitty all-aluminum cooler

    BTW.. If you [b]really[/b] want to stress Core2-based CPUs, forget about prime95. Try [url=]Coredamage[/url] instead.
    This will load up the CPU [I]so[/I] much that even updating the mouse cursor position can get pretty choppy..

    Little warning though: once you start the program, it'll immediately start loading up the CPU. There's no start/stop/pause option, so it's better to have a good temperature readout...
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  • Re: Hard drive click of death

    Look for a little 8 pin chip silkscreened "U12".
    On really old drives it's a rather big (in comparison) [url=]TSOP[/url] style chip instead (M27C1024 is common)Re: Hard drive click of death

    Look for a little 8 pin chip silkscreened "U12".
    On really old drives it's a rather big (in comparison) [url=]TSOP[/url]
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  • Scenic
    replied to bulging caps
    Re: bulging caps

    Those are definitely fakes.
    Nichicons always have a "X" vent on top, not a "K". The color scheme is wrong too.
    Nichicon HM/HN are black with white (sometimes gold?) text, not green with gold text.

    You've been ripped off. If you bought them on ebay, leave negative feedback.

    edit: oh and that's more than just a "mild bulge". These have already failed without even being used. Should tell you something about the "quality" of those caps..
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  • Re: Samsung cable replacement

    I've got a FUBAR'd Samsung 203BW here. If the connectors are the same, I could send it to you if you can't find it locally or something.
    The panel-side connector fits perfectly into my scrap 22" 1680x1050 panels. The other end is what I don't know if it's the same. It's just a flat flex and on the controller board there's one of those weird flip-open-to-release connectors....
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  • Re: MSI P965 NEO - Question about capacitor type

    Those caps (in the picture on ebay) are actually Panasonic FL.
    These are wet lytics without a vent. You can commonly find those on somewhat older MSI mid-range motherboards. I've done a full recap on one of those boards, and the ones I've desoldered look 100% identical, right down to the circle bung.
    Just because it has a simple bung doesn't mean it's a cheapo chinese crapcap. The rubber bung on Sanyo OSCONs is flat too for example.

    I'd still not buy from that seller though, because you might get something...
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  • Re: *Craigslist Special* Admin Password Locked

    What I've found so far:

    Code calculator generating a password out of the laptops serial number

    Paperclip trick (erasing a 24C02 EEPROM which contains the PW)
    [url][/url]Re: *Craigslist Special* Admin Passw... <br /> What...
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  • Scenic
    replied to need 3g help
    Re: need 3g help

    Dunno what it's like in the US, but over here they've got ridiculous traffic/bandwidth limits on 3G/4G connections and will throttle your speed if you go over.

    The SIM card I've got in my netbook (prepaid) has limits of 1GB/day and 5GB/month total.
    If you reach any of these limits, they'll throttle you from 7.2MBit/s to 64KBit/s (just a hair faster than dialup) for the rest of the month.

    The same thing might have happened here..!?
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  • Re: Be Quiet BQT E5-500W recap, odd sized CapXon

    The only way to add a resistor (or a pot temporarily) to the thermistor is by soldering it in on the bottom of the PCB, as the thermistor is underneath the secondary side heatsink and some E5's have so much white gunk in that area that you can't even see the little TO92 transistor right next to it (let alone see the thermistor pins) because it's covered in that stuff. The PSU in the attached pics isn't that bad in terms of amount of white gunk.

    The attached photos are from a E5-400 parts unit....
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    Last edited by Scenic; 06-18-2012, 09:04 PM.

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  • Re: Be Quiet BQT E5-500W recap, odd sized CapXon

    These E5 series PSUs (Fortron OEM) are an absolute painus in the anus due to the cap sizes and the caps being in between stuff.

    Also, don't forget to change ALL the 5VSB related caps around the smaller of the 2 transformers (and I mean ALL of them, no matter how tiny or unimportant they may seem).
    Especially the tiny 25V 100uF which doesn't necessarily bulge, but is pretty much always bad. It prevents startup and can fry 5VSB related components due to them running hot.

    I've had a really bad E5-400W...
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    Last edited by Scenic; 06-17-2012, 04:47 AM.

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  • Re: Oh well

    That's not even the problem.. the problem is that you don't know the torque specs, so even if you had a torque wrench for it, it would still be useless :|...
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  • Re: Enermax Liberty ELT500AWT

    Weren't those the ones with the tan glue of death?!
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  • Scenic
    replied to 7 hour netbook
    Re: 7 hour netbook

    My [url=]Asus Eee PC 1005HA-H[/url] has the biggest officially available battery (6 cell 5800mAh) and it's still the original 2 or so year old one, too.

    6 hours runtime is no problem at all, even without any powersaving crap active, i.e. full CPU speed, WiFi and Bluetooth on, medium LCD brightness (full kills your eyes), no HDD spindown etc.
    Officially it's said to get 10 1/2 hours. I'm getting just over 9 hours with the powersaving stuff on on the ~2year old battery. Not too bad.

    For runtime...
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