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The wires from that connector go directly to the LED strip within the panel at the top of it. Sorry for the delayed reply, I have sent you a PM hope that you get it. I will take those readings you requested in a day or two and get back to you. If you need any other readings let me know and I will take those as well while I have the montor open.
I can't be totally sure as it was a little while ago now, chances are if you have some voltage then the PSU is at least working to some degree and probably fine. It will probably be ok because as CapLeaker said LEDS are really current driven. If you are really worried and at a push I could take the monitor apart again and measure the voltages on the pins and let you know. It might be that the PSU is dropping the current which in turn is causing a drop in the measured voltage as it has detected that there is an issue with the LED strip. As CapLeaker also pointed out that:
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Ah ok sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope that you manage to get your monitor up and working again.
Oh and I know you meant it as a compliment but I also know I can type too much at times.
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Sorry about my previous text wall I will try and keep this reply a little shorter. 😁
If you use the monitor a lot and really need the 100% accuracy then a new monitor at a third of the price does sound like it might be the better solution for you, and like you say being new you would hope that it will be more reliable and last longer as well. As I said in a previous post once one LED fails then it is questionable how long the other exisiting LED's will last as they have all been subjected to the same heat over the same time frame. You could replace a single LED put the monitor...
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Keep in mind this is all from memory, but two of those pins on that connector will have about 65 volts on, I think it is the two middle ones, the others are the returns from the end of each of the 4 strings of LEDS. From what I recall the 65 volts powers two strings of the LEDS which in total is about 20 LEDS and results in about 3.25 volts per LED. The current again from memory is about 130 milliamps which along with other constraining factors is why I decided to use an LED which could handle 150mA. I do not know your experience but just take care when carrying out measurements of voltages...
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In my case I replaced just a single LED so it does not really have much impact on the colour rendering that being said I would not be surprised if more LED's failed fairly soon as some did not look to be in the best of shape.
I guess once one LED fails then we can expect others to fail in the not too distant future as they have all been subjected to the same heat over the same time frame and it will be the heat that is probably the main cause.
I also decided that if I do end up having to replace more of them and that the colour rendering is out as a result then at least...
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I also have this monitor and one LED had gone and taken out one of the series of LED strings there are 4 in total from memory.
I replaced the single failed LED using one I purchased from Mouser. The blue is not of the same colour it seems a brighter wavelength and the LED is slightly bigger along with the soldering PADS on the bottom of it, of which there is only two. The original LED's use three PADS, maybe they are able to change colour depending on what colour scheme the monitor is set to RGB, Adobe RGB etc I am not sure. Anyway here the the three LEDS I considered using:
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