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Last Activity: 05-03-2024, 09:43 AM
Joined: 08-27-2011
Location: Tacoma, Wa
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  • Hello dudaindc, The best I could do is get it to work for about 5 minutes but then faded back to power on, self test, power off. I pulled the "D" chip on the controller board for it to work for the short time it did but obviously it wasn't the root problem. I have since written it off because it is above my technical know how and the test equipment I have to repair. Sorry I can't be of more help. Regards
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  • Hello again, I did some more testing with masking off pins and was able to identify the boot loop pin on the right ribbon cable. It turns out that pin 23 is the problem and when taped over, the TV turns on normally. It does however have a degraded picture that looks like burn in. With more testing I discovered that I could uncover all other pins except 19 or 20. With 23 still covered, if I cover 19 I will get very little color fade but I get fine lines and the appearance of burn in on the right side of the tv. If I cover 20 the color fades somewhat but not as much as when I covered all 13 - 24...
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  • Hi xfox, glad to see you found a work a round. I too have had no luck with changing R13246 values. The only "fix" I had was to tape pins 13 to 24 on the Right (shorter) ribbon cable which results in a color fade from Left to Right on the TV screen. Could you show a picture of what is under the blue masking tape by the ribbon cable and identify what pins or points you soldered the wires from the 2 second delay circuit from the 5V power source? Did this give you a normally working TV with no color fade? Thank you.
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  • Update, Through trial and error I found that covering pins 13 – 24 on the R ribbon cable got me the best results. I can turn off and on the TV with the remote and get a picture and sound without boot loop. Unfortunately, I get the dreaded color fade from left to right in the picture now. I haven't seen any resistors on the main-board that look like good candidates to change R values with. Masking the Right Ribbon cable is the only way I have been able to bring it back to “normal”. Masking the Left Ribbon cable didn't work for me.
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  • Hello xfox, I have the same problem with the same TV (UN70NU6900FXZA). I found that if I tape pins 13 - 24 on the Right ribbon cable (shorter one) that I can eliminate the boot loop but I get the dreaded color fade from left to right with the picture otherwise, the TV works normally.
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  • Hello again, I received the diodes in the mail and soldered them in place of the shorted ones. I crossed my fingers, legs and arms and plugged it in. No immediate short, hooray! then the relay kicked on and immediately back off. So I started unplugging circuits and found that controller board was the problem. With the controller circuit plugged in, I unplugged each of the circuits plugged into it until it was just the controller board with no external circuits plugged into it and the relay switched on then immediately back off. My guess from here is that now it could be the controller circuit...
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  • I have no idea where "Possible prob on a Gigabyte board" in blue came from in my previous post!
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  • Hello nomoresonys, Thank you for responding to my post. I do have the same model and I did try changing R13246 with values up to 100K ohm (please see my post #17 dated Nov 20 on this thread). I even tried masking the area of pin [NODE="84"]Possible prob on a Gigabyte board[/NODE] on the L ribbon cable without any luck. I am of the persuasion that the fault for my TV lies in the Right side buffer boards rather than the left side as experienced by itelite. The only way I can get a partially working TV is by masking the R ribbon cable, not the Left ribbon cable. Regards,Hello nomoresonys,
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  • [FONT=Calibri]Thanks, itelite for your posts on how you brought the UN70NU6900F back to life. I unfortunately had no luck with your methods even though the remove and replace the ribbon cable during starting did work for me. I posted my efforts in the Nov 20 post in this thread using various resistors. I read somewhere that the R ribbon cable was a mirror of the L ribbon cable so I went back to trying to mask the R ribbon cable and finally got some success. Through trial and error I found that covering pins 13 – 24 on the R ribbon cable got me the best results. I can turn off and on the TV with...
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  • [FONT=Calibri]Hi, I have a UN70NU6900FXZA and have read through the threads and tried the “fix” without any success. Same symptoms 2 blinks, unplug TV, disconnect ribbon cable, plug in TV and power up, wait for greeting tone then plug in ribbon cable and I get a perfect picture and sound. So, I de-soldered the 10-ohm resistor and replaced it with a 15K, then 35K, then 55K, then 98K, also tried connecting them to test point on the buffer board with a wire as shown in previous posts and nothing cured the problem. With those other resistors I can still do the start without ribbon cable...
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  • Re: UN70NU6900FXZA power cycle, no picture - workaround found

    Sorry to revive an old thread but I have a UN70NU6900FXZA and have read through the threads and tried the “fix” without any success. Same symptoms 2 blinks, unplug TV, disconnect ribbon cable, plug in TV and power up, wait for greeting tone then plug in ribbon cable and I get a perfect picture and sound. So, I desoldered the 10-ohm resistor and replaced it with a 15K, then 35K, then 55K, then 98K, also tried connecting them to test point on the buffer board with a wire as shown and nothing cured the problem....
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  • Re: Monster Power HTS 5100 MKII Power Center

    Thanks for the help! I did check R27. Resistor R27 gave a reading of 33.48K ohms in circuit and 33.48K also with one leg lifted so I think it is OK. Yes, I am wondering if the bad diodes are a result of another failed component I haven't discovered yet. Regards
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  • Re: Monster Power HTS 5100 MKII Power Center

    Hello Unspun01, Thanks for your suggestions and help. I replaced my trace repair, I used a high gauge wire because I didn't think the traces would carry much of a current load. I also found D12, D13, D14 to be shorted. The rest of the components I found to all have resistance. Please see pictures. Regards,...
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  • Re: Monster Power HTS 5100 MKII Power Center

    Hello, thanks for the suggestions. I tried to “chisel” away the glue. (didn't know it goes conductive).
    Checking D15, D16, D27, D28 on the diodes in circuit gave readings of .584 to .592. Resistor R27 gave a reading of 33.48K ohms in circuit and 33.48K also with one leg lifted. I am including some pictures of the circuit board without the cloth bags....
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  • Re: Sony XBR-65X750D Horizontal lines bottom of screen

    Thanks for the updates Howard. I have been a little "burnt out" (pun intended) with the Sony TV but I will keep your fix on file when I try to "erase" those lines again. Glad to hear that you finally found the source of the problem. Congratulations!
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  • Re: Monster Power HTS 5100 MKII Power Center

    Thanks for your help and suggestions. I will take your suggestions and try to identify the components you asked about. It may take a day or two as I have a few other irons in the fire. Regards,
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  • Re: Monster Power HTS 5100 MKII Power Center

    Is there anyone that can offer some help with this? Thanks
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  • Re: Sony XBR-65X750D Horizontal lines bottom of screen

    Sorry to hear that. I had the same outcome. If half the screen is not displaying then a new T-con would probably work. Lines on the screen are a stubborn problem and not easy to fix.
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  • Monster Power HTS 5100 MKII Power Center

    Hello, I have a Monster HTS 5100 MKII Power center I am having trouble isolating the short circuit. On the primary input board I measure 0 ohms from the power to the neutral and 0 ohms from power to ground. I tried removing the transformer because I heard that has been a problem but it made no difference. There were some traces on the circuit board that were melted and open so I re-soldered jumpers to reconnect them again (see area circled in yellow). Prior to that the HT-5100 power center would just flash a light labeled “Abnormal Voltage”. I am enclosing some pictures and would greatly appreciate...
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  • Re: Sony XBR-65X750D Horizontal lines bottom of screen

    Thanks Howard, for the update. Sorry to be so slow getting back to you. I kind of considered this thread to be dead after my last attempt got me back to the way the TV was when it first started giving me this problem. Glad to hear from you and that you have a Sony with a similar problem that I may be able to learn from. In my first opening post I stated “Hi, I have a Sony XBR-65X750D that has horizontal lines at the bottom 6 inches of the screen. I’m not sure if this is a panel issue or power supply/main board problem....
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