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Last Activity: 02-10-2022, 10:36 AM
Joined: 02-10-2022
Location: Timisoara
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  • Artefacting / locking R7 370 - bad memory chip identification

    Hello everyone.

    My son came to me one day saying that his pc locks up.
    I found his onboard sound and gpu not working.

    The gpu is an R7 370 and it has weird colors in bios and locks hard when windows/linux loads a driver for it.

    I have run a diagnostic utility (a linux based app with mats/mods for nvidia and tserver/memfa for AMD) and it spew out some things.

    It says error on ch7 rank 0 bit 14.
    Now, i have no idea which of the 8 chips is ch7.
    There are 4 chips arranged vertically to the right of the gpu and 4 horizontally...
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  • Broken R7 260x - Voltages on board

    Hi everyone.

    I got a broken MSI R7 260X for $10, seller said there was a surge and afterward graphics and network stopped working.
    The power supply goes into protection if inserting the 6pin ATX12V into the graphics card.

    So i figured, well, yeah, some mos broke in the VRM, should be easy fix.

    Indeed, a Hiside mos was shorted and i replaced it.

    The Vcore was generated by 2 switcher groups (hiside + loside MOS and an inductor in each group) powered from 12V PCIE and another 2 from 6pin 12V ATX. The broken mos was on the 12V ATX...
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  • Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

    Hello everyone.

    I'm John (little John more precisely) from Romania.
    I am a tinkerer in electronics and just about anything i can get my hands on.
    I'm also interested in too many things for my own good.
    I like to know what makes things tick.

    Of course, that and everything else in life, leaves free time dangerously going to zero.
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