I received my order from Digikey -- the replacement capacitors. I ordered a few extra caps since I had to pay for shipping anyway
I removed the burnt resistor and 220uf; along with the neighboring 470uf.
Soldered in a new 470uf along with a new 68uf in the C3 position (I had to clean up the joint and contact from the burnt side). All soldered in and tested for continuity.
I reassembled and it works perfectly!! Brighter that it ever has been and all modes work. YAY!!!!!...
Thread bump;
Hello all. I need some help. I have a Jennair wall oven. The display has faded to nothing but the oven works fine. I have read on the previous posts about the c3 ECapacitor.
Upon inspection I found the c3 with a resistor soldered in line that is then soldered to the board. the cap is a 220uf 35v; The obvious problem is the resistor has failed and overheated, and popped off the solder from the board (burnt mark also there).
The resistor overheat has made the stripes unreadable.
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