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Can anyone help with T2 nand dumps for all storage configurations for macbook airs and Macbook Pros?
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T2 Nand dumps
Re: Apple Macbook Pro A1990 15" - T203 or CH341 with Mina ?
Yes flexhub is what they use after booting into ramdisk mode, I think flexhub is able to somehow connect to the drive to be mounted through some ssh scrip because the activation is not instant, it takes a bit of time...
Re: Apple Macbook Pro A1990 15" - T203 or CH341 with Mina ?
I'm still trying to figure out how the ramdisk mode is activated, so far booting to ramdisk mode is not the issue but how to activate it. I think it's an ssh script,
should be something like this
Place your device into DFU mode
A11 users, go to recovery first, then DFU.
Run ./sshrd.sh boot to boot the ramdisk
Run ./sshrd.sh ssh to connect to SSH on your device
Finally, to mount the filesystems, run mount_filesystems
/var is mounted to /mnt2 in the ssh session....
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Re: Apple Macbook Pro A1990 15" - T203 or CH341 with Mina ?
Okay I was able to get this file from another hacker who unlocked my mac via remote connection, He didnt use Mina or anything but I just can't undertand how he activates the device when it boots in ramdisk mode.
I was hoping someone here can figure that out.
zip too large to be uploaded
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Can you explain the new trick for the latest Mina t2 activator?
New Mina T2 activiation
hello guys,
I was just informed Mina has released an update for new ibridge Os for t2 intel macs. have anyone tried if it's working and can old serial numbers be used?
Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
I don't think it involves replacing the T2 chip, they say it's possible to remove it from the SOC rom...
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
Okay so some people claim there is a way to remove efi lock from T2 using hardware no apple configurator required. Anypne have idea about that method?
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Unlock T2 EFI without AC2
Hello Forum,
I was thinking if there was a way to unlock the T2 efi password without Apple Configurator. I read a post from a different forum that says there is a hardware method to unlock efi.
Any ideas on how to go about it?
MacBook A2289 Restore Error
Recently is seems all the A2289 boards that I am trying to revive or restore using Apple Configurator 2 gives me error -1
Have anyone experienced this and how to resolve it?...
Re: A2289 T2 rom chip original dump needed
If you are talking about the app itself, i don't have it, I installed it on apple store...
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Re: A2289 T2 rom chip original dump needed
If the error you are getting looks something like the attached image then I'm afraid it got nothing to do with the rom data.
I just started noticing this problem recently with all the A2289 I tried to revive or restore....
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
So have anyone tried to override MDM with Icloud lock? Like reinstall an MDM machine then activate it with your own icloud and after report it lost, after activating icloud it should clear MDM.
Just a theory
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Re: Apple A1989 no Sound
You need to check areas around U6300, U6400, U6450, U6500 and U6550, these are the audio and speaker controllers, check for liquid damage or bad traces....
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
Do you think this could actually work?...Last edited by SMDFlea; 02-18-2022, 04:08 AM.
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
Mine can jailbreak alright but it's having an EFI password which I can remove with AC2 but that will also update the bridge os which will make activation lock impossible to remove....
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
How do you get the info from the mac itself? I have A1932. with EFI and Icloud locked but its not erased...
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Re: Surface Pro 6
Working perfectly, I did a lot of modifications myself but maybe I missed a particular section but upon comparing your data with mine, I understand now.
Thank you bro...
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Re: Surface Pro 6
Both files unlocked but touch not working...
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