hey all, i did a silly thing and flashed bios to perfectly working board. None of the asus official download bios would work with ez flash. They all gave error saying not supported bios file. I tried using uefi tool to extract it to a bin file but then ez flash wouldnt even recognise it.
So, i used freedos and afudos with the aforementioned bin file i extracted and forced the issue. After bios reprogram, reboot and it was dead. Fans spinning but no post.
i have a bios writer and none of the .cap files from the official site work either. I just get one spin, then off, then all fans...
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ASUS ex-b250-V7 motherboard bios corrupted - by me
Re: Macbook M1 820-02016 Keyboard -Trackpad stop working after a while
Same problem. When computer goes to sleep via closing the lid usually, trackpad and keyboard dont work.
Either in the OS or recovery environment, suggesting it was not software related.
Reflowed the area that controls IPD_SPI_EN_CONN and just in case the lid sensor controller (same area)
Now 4 days and no more problem...
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