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Last Activity: 08-14-2021, 06:47 AM
Joined: 08-11-2021
Location: Bonn
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  • Re: Panasonic TX-P42UT30E, IGBTs on the SN board

    thank you so much for taking time to address my questions. I've read that blog entry, I didn't get too into detail.. just read between the lines cause I don\t have so much time now and I still miss the parts to begin the second repairing session.

    I have this idea don't know if it's practical. I believe the chassis metal sheet is coated steel. So I could scrape the coating in a place near the board, solder a thick insulated wire that will handle the high current, solder a washer on the other end...
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  • Re: Panasonic TX-P42UT30E, IGBTs on the SN board

    Thanks for your advice and the service manual. It's kinda fuzzy when I zoom in, especially on the schematics and pcb layout. I did a search after "30F131" and found nothing in the service manual. So basically there are equivalent parts used instead. That's kinda strange... I would expect that from a CN brand.

    Anyway, I'll look on the schematic when I'll have some time, and try to identify those IGBT's, their gate resistors and the driver IC(s).

    The TV it's unusable again, since yesterday. And...
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  • Re: How to desolder transformer from PCB?

    since the terminals are pretty close (small pitch) I would use this technique:

    1. apply flux and then use a generous amount of Pb solder on each pin. Doesn't matter if they short together. In fact I would do this on purpose. The idea is that the new Pb solder will have a lower melting point than the Pb free one. And if you have a big blob of solder on all the pins, melting it all at once will "free" all the pins.

    2. Apply flux on the new solder

    3. either use a high wattage solder iron with...
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  • Re: CH341a Serial Mode

    Same thought here. It's really a question of bitbanging or transiting between high and low level. In almost 100% of cases a chip running at 5V will recognize 3.3V as High level. So don't modify anything. Make sure to have the same GND between the programmer and the device to be programmed. Supply 3v3 to your programmer, connect the RX and TX lines of the device you wanna flash to the TX and RX of your programmer and you should be good to go.

    I would make sure to select the proper baudrate....
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  • Re: LC Meter - DIY - complete plans

    I don't know the device you're speaking of but this one is pretty accurate in on the full measurable scale.
    It doesn't measure ESR but it could be easily modified. It's open source both hardware and software and the parts are easy to find and inexpensive. Could be a fun project to build with a younger brother or a beginner, all the parts are THT which makes it real easy to solder.

    As you mentioned it makes use of a precision capacitor in the calibration routine....
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  • LC Meter - DIY - complete plans

    Just wanted to share this.
    If anyone's interested in building his own LC Meter you check this one here:


    The full documentation is also present on Github:


    There's also a complete Youtube series on the build:


    Could be helpful in a lot of situations.

    Just wanted to share this.
    If anyone's
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  • Re: Panasonic p42txu32e, IGBTs on the SN board

    I mistyped the model number. The Correct one is: TX-P42UT30E.

    If a moderator sees this, please correct the model number in the title of this thread. Thanks.
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  • Panasonic TX-P42UT30E, IGBTs on the SN board


    I'm having problems with my plasma Panasonic p42txu32e. The issue started about 12 months ago.

    I have a remote controlled main outlet so whenever I turn off the TV set at night, I also switch off the whole power outlet.
    It gives me a better feeling to know I don't have 230V on any cables, so my dog can't get hurt if he gets the idea to start chewing on something.

    About 12 months ago the TV started to have the following problem: when pressing anything on the RC to get it on, the red led would go off.

    Sometimes it would turn...
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    Last edited by rivetcity; 08-12-2021, 01:38 AM. Reason: typo
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