I tried to order the Myllenox model that looked most similar to the ATTO NIC (as the ATTO card [is] a Myllenox NIC with modified ROM). Unfortunately, what looked like (close to) identical board+chip layouts in blurry & stock pictures were slightly different once purchased. Still, as the ATTO has a ROM which lets it get identified by a MacOS ... I wanted to try the ATTO ROM on the Myllenox NIC.
Any reason [not] to:
1. Back up the Myllenox ROM
2. Copy the ATTO ROM
3. Write ATTO ROM to Myllenox & test if the NIC is recognized by MacOS?...
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Test ATTO N322 network card ROM on Myllenox NIC
EBC-820 "Apple diagnostic tool" -- does this work?
The EBC-820 relies on the J6100 interface (its unclear if it works on 2018+ either, which'd negate any real value).
IF it does 'debug' issues on newer units, the video shows it providing error codes and 'breadcrumbs' to follow & fix identified issue(s).
Is this a gimmick for suckers (like me)..? Are there better products that are also affordable...?
Lastly, does anyone have suggestions on how to learn how to follow the schematic // boardview to trace problems..? Because even when watching the video it was unclear how certain selections...
Re: Has the topic of "M1 FMM bypass / EFI Unlock" become faux pas?
Thanks for the info ... I don't think I saw people trying to conduct transactions, though, I think there are companies (unrelated to any users) which are required to get locked units to work again.
I really hope there's some way that we can resume walking that fine line again. Perhaps instead of an advertisement, a list of the rules (in lieu of the ad) reminding people of the decorum to follow .... as the information was truly invaluable! Just my 2 cents.
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Has the topic of "M1 FMM bypass / EFI Unlock" become faux pas?
I've noticed that both the large threads on this topic are locked (though, not deleted) ... but they were both active and seemed like repos where an eventual solution would be posted, as well as representing a compendium of attempts that either provided some insight or which didn't work.
It seems however, that there's been no subsequent updates (in any thread) to that topic since approx. December of 2022 ... about 4 months ago.
If there's another active thread or it's become off-limits, I apologize ...
Lastly, is it acceptable for users to provide...
Re: Wson8 spring pin probe WORKS
Would love to see pictures if you wouldn't mind.
I know what "probes" are ... but do you mean a POGO ..? Hence the request for pics.
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Re: A1708 13 MacBook Pro Fn WiFi stops working | Turn OFF-ON WiFi = Temp Fix (1-6 min
Hey, thanks for the reply! Good info re: the WiFi (however it says when not working) ... it registers and shows up. (I'll post pictures).
Louis says "once 'it' gets the 12v for the CPU wifi will never work again."
- But the WiFi "work" just not properly.
Conformal coating is a good tip if it winds up requiring replacement.
Even have conformal coating & laser (somewhere), if that's the route.
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
Please excuse a dumb peanut gallery question, but these aren't say, all coming from bestbuy or something in a 'lot purchase' in which they perhaps all underwent the same process to prepare for salvage sale..?
But rather, are all sourced differently: irreparable units, boards off ebay, etc ..?
(Just to rule out any common denominators)
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A1708 13 MacBook Pro Fn WiFi stops working | Turn OFF-ON WiFi = Temp Fix (1-6 min)
WiFi menubar symbol shows hardware stays connected (even when issue occurs)
WiFi adapter shows normal connectivity symbol & stats: Using Opt+WiFi shows:
• Tx Rate: 867 Mbps
• RSSI: -44 dBm
• Noise: -90 dBm (same as working MBP connected to same router)
After ~1 min - 7 min, connectivity is lost (no traffic works) until I Disable / Enable WiFi (temporarily fixing again)
Inspected Antenna connections (look secure) & UP / DL is quick when working (same as good laptop)
• DL = ~400 Mbps
• UL = ~17 Mbps...
Re: M1 MBA has MDM mgmt but is not locked - should I still try removing?
I'm going to have access (physical) to the unit again shortly and I can look again to see what I did.
I can't recall if this was necessary, but, my friend whom I sold it to was just uncomfortable with it having MDM in the System Preferences ultimately.
I think I was asking (showing that recipe) as a general confirmation.
I can't recall if I even did that for this one, as it's not locked or anything
I'll reply far sooner this time....
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Apple M1 UNLOCK Status ..?
I know "Stephen" had been working on the M1 series ... appeared to make progress but then downgraded his confidence as testing yielded less than favorable reports.
I've been dealing with some family problems ... but, as quickly as I could I did a refresher / search / browse posts to look if anything stood out as promising by either him or someone else ... and haven't found anything.
I'm hoping this is bc I'm tired, but, that ultimately there's at least some sort of means that looks effective that's either on the...
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
Not likely. the 4-digit version takes 2-3 days, without restarting it at all.
The Brutus never required macs restart ...
And 2-3 days x 100 more possibilities ≠ a week....
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
And was why I originally bought a Medusa2 (also fixed 4x M2015 w ME issues)
I'm who actually first got Harald (CMI zapper) to add clean ME area feature....
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
Okay, this is exclusively for T2, yes..?
Any luck with M1 devices ..?...
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
Haven't forgotten: Gonna look for the DataBase today...
Might need an NDA just in case any private info is included.
Check your PM if you get a chance. Thanks!!!...
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
Too bad more units don't have this enabled:
I'm not sure if this does anything ... but it might ?...
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Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock
Makes sense ... maybe there's an IP address in the ROM, at which point you'd need to figure out what info it's 'polling' for ...
You really might try making a management account with AWS for a non-profit (501c3 gets free AWS I think) ... then, ask an agent to just "transfer a device from your 'other' account" ... I've heard the odds are pretty decent....
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
Right, that's the problem with those 6-digit pins; they take 100x longer for brute-force attack.
I'll look and see if I can infer the location in the rom of a PW I create (either the Hx000000) or if there's ASCII info) to help you find it using the J6100 connector (if you have an interface for it).
If you don't, I have a suggestion for alibaba that I think is the CHEAPEST on there ($38 for L2013+)...
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Re: T2 Chip Programmer Tool
This community is just beyond talented ... and generous with info they could easily treat as "dark arts" and hoard.
I can't do enough to pull my weight & express my reciprocal gratitude as it is.
LMK if you run into any snags; I'll be glad to help....
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