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Last Activity: 05-06-2024, 01:34 AM
Joined: 03-24-2021
Location: Sheffield
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  • Re: MBP 15" A1398 2014 820-3662-A FANS on full speed & slow machine

    Update and Gratitude! Thanks a lot to you Reformatt!
    If I can be thankful to you somehow - just drop me a private message. Honestly saved me from hassle.

    Dipped me into my own mistakes ; ))
    It's all sorted basically. When you mentioned that J4002 uses same data line/ track I thought to double check what are the pins related to that. Basically due to MBP "panic mode" FANS full blast etc it was preventing me from using/checking camera so I wasn't even...
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  • Re: MBP 15" A1398 2014 820-3662-A FANS on full speed & slow machine

    Right, it's still a learning process for me. Now looking back on what I've shared here, can see myself that there is not much investigation provided by me to ask right questions. Apologies for that. Improving ; )

    Later on I've tried ASD EFI version instead of OS ASD, which apparently is more specific on sensors. Result provided in pics.

    [B]EFI ASD reported faults with:[/B]
    Sensor - Temperature [B](TH1H)[/B] -- Right Fin Stack Proximity - [COLOR="Red"]Sensor...
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    Last edited by rigway; 03-27-2022, 08:36 AM.

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  • Re: Apple Macbook Pro Mid-2014 A1398 - Battery detection FAIL

    Having fun now with that 'donor' board now ; )) in a bad way.

    Decided to open another thread for it, otherwise it will be a mix of two separate repairs, which I guess is no good for anyone to follow.

    Will be getting back to this one in this thread after I will get another donor eventually. Re: Apple Macbook Pro Mid-2014 A1398...h that 'donor'
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  • MBP 15" A1398 2014 820-3662-A FANS on full speed & slow machine

    Hi Guys,

    I've got 2.2GHz i7 Logic board for MBP 15" A1398 Mid-2014 MacBook Pro. Received it with no past history. Did some microsurgery to move iSight adapter to it as it came to me with ripped pads for it and no connector. Have been waiting for a heatsink to arrive to start fully testing when assembled..

    Everything seems working: booting / charging, [B]however[/B] FANS run on full blast (MAX FAN RPMS)

    Thought to check what ASD can point out and it gives no specific clue. It goes to certain point and then machine goes to sleep and does not come back...
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  • Re: Apple Macbook Pro Mid-2014 A1398 - Battery detection FAIL

    Hi mon2,

    Thanks for checking my 'progress' from time to time Honestly appreciate it. Been busy with fixing car.

    Right, I got frustrated with this MBP to say the least Few days ago I realised that accidently knocked off one little bit next to charging chip (ISL625), which I tried to reseat once again as I thought maybe there was an issue with it. At this stage have two working ones. Got it sorted, than have put missing bit next to it from donor board.

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    Last edited by rigway; 03-17-2022, 07:54 PM.

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  • Re: Apple Macbook Pro Mid-2014 A1398 - Battery detection FAIL


    I'm getting stuck with this board. Was cleaning off some corrosion next to SMC. All traces are good, however it's not powering on at all. Back to more major issues now.

    Was following guide on:
    Checking all possible causes and currently have the following situation.

    When plugged in with a known 85W MagSage 2 Adapter with everything disconnected:
    PPBUS_G3H on F7140 = 0.4v
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  • Apple Macbook Pro Mid-2014 A1398 - Battery detection FAIL

    Hi Everyone!

    Will be forever grateful if someone can give insight/direction.

    Got machine with liquid damage - Apple MacBook Pro 15-Inch "Core i7" 2.5 Mid-2014 (DG). Wasn't powering on completely. After inspection got the idea that charging IC is blows and couple more places of corrosion (swapped few more components form doner board).

    I have a spare working logic board with irrelevant physical damage (just a donor board to me now) Apple MacBook Pro 15-Inch Mid-2014 (IG).

    Replaced U7100 (ISL 6259) from it - powers on OK now, though battery...
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    Last edited by rigway; 02-13-2022, 10:28 PM.

  • Re: MacBook Pro 15" Mid-2014 (DG) A-820-3787 fan FULL SPEED & ASD IHSC Sensor error?!


    Wanted to update with situation and close this thread. Issue resolved, however rather unexpectedly in a different way.

    With good intentions I didn't want to use original SSD with data while doing testing. Had a spare 128GB SSD from iMac, which has exactly same connection and was detecting and allowing MacOS install without issues (except FAN panic obviously). When I had it plugged in all those sensor problems were present. As soon as I plugged in original...
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  • Re: MacBook Pro 15" Mid-2014 (DG) A-820-3787 fan FULL SPEED & ASD IHSC Sensor error?!

    When submitted first message and used "Insert Image" button.

    I got my links which I made for this purpose externally:

    Result was: [tralalaIMG][tralala/IMG] in text field..

    Should have used BBcode full, there you go! : )

    Now it works for me ; ) ...
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  • Re: MacBook Pro 15" Mid-2014 (DG) A-820-3787 fan FULL SPEED & ASD IHSC Sensor error?!

    Really Appreciate your replies! Honestly.. glad to be here and feeling that you guys decided to check and share your experience is just so meaningful!

    I will be coming back to this board during next week and will post update so this story keeps developing for the benefit of same issues solving and future reference to somebody stumbling across anything similar if not exactly same.

    I was dumb enough to think that IHSC will be some component but hey!,...
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    Last edited by rigway; 08-14-2021, 09:13 PM.

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  • Re: MacBook Pro 15" Mid-2014 (DG) A-820-3787 fan FULL SPEED & ASD IHSC Sensor error?!


    Here are my screenshots, this with the Sensor error. Regarding searching IHSC for components obviously I did it - nothing comes on.

    What to check? Any advice...
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    Last edited by rigway; 08-14-2021, 11:41 AM.

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  • MacBook Pro 15" Mid-2014 (DG) A-820-3787 fan FULL SPEED & ASD IHSC Sensor error?!

    Hi Everyone! : )
    Apologise if something is not upto standard straight away, this is my first post. Hope it might not only be useful to me. I came across a similar thread - [url][/url]
    with a similar description but that wasn't helpful.

    Got a Apple MacBook Pro 15-Inch "Core i7" 2.5 Mid-2014 (DG), this is a unit with discrete/separate Graphics GT 750M. S/N: C02NK14CG3QP, Logic board model: A-820-3787. Issue I'm having with it - is after booting to...
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    Last edited by rigway; 08-14-2021, 03:25 AM.

  • Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

    Hi Techies, Geeks and everyone who likes to solder or hang about here! : )

    I've registered here a while ago and was visiting this resource mainly after bios dumps, schematics etc. I guess there was no need or I haven't actually thought to post something until now.

    Some say - Later better than never! ; ) I'm working on electronics recently. Successfully.. occasionally.. fixing boards with sort of problems - me monkey see, me monkey spot & fix - first step I guess : )) So getting there to a more...
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