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Last Activity: 08-06-2021, 11:46 PM
Joined: 12-05-2020
Location: Albany
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    I kept trying more aggressive profiles until the connectors started melting. Each time the TV would come back to life for a few hours then die. I kinda wonder if the thermal grease on the heatsink stopped working after being in the toaster so many times.

    I then tried a more proper reflow: I chopped off the heatsink and tried a reflow with my hot air SMD station, but I busted an inductor along the way. Nothing happens now with the original main board. I'm throwing in the towel and bought a TCL 635.

    Overall I'm happy that the...
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    It finally just died this week. I'd say ~8 months is pretty great for a janky toaster oven fix!! I tried it in the oven again with a slightly more aggressive profile (below) and it's back to life again.

    200F preheat 6 min
    350F for 3.5 min
    450F for 4 min

    That replacement board I got didn't work. Not sure if it's DOA or if it's not the right one. I for sure should have tested it when it arrived but it never felt worth it to take the tv apart when it was working I did try to toast it too but...
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    My simple [URL=""]heatsink-on toaster reflow from mid December[/URL] is still working fine! I'm truly surprised! If you don't have the skill or tools to get the soldered-on heat sink off, just try a toaster reflow with it on first!Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    My simple [URL=""]heatsink-on toaster reflow from mid December[/URL] is still working fine! I'm truly surprised! If you
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    I had a replacement board pop up on my eBay saved search for $50 and pulled the trigger on it. But my most recent janky leave-the-heatsink-on toaster reflow is still working a month in so it's still in its box!

    @BigRnastY I haven't done a replacement yet so I can't speak definitively to whether there are any tricks, but I think it _should_ just work. If I were you, I'd try to send the board back and get a refund.
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    Last edited by johnboiles; 01-09-2021, 11:49 AM.

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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    I tried to do a bit of a profile. I used some Kester flux I had around (probably not low-viscosity?) and squirted that as best I could under the heatsink to the sides of the BGA chips. Then I did the following in the toaster oven

    200F preheat 5 min
    350F for 3.5 min
    450F for 3 min

    When I first put everything back together, I was getting spazzy artifacts that looked like some kinda frame sync thing wasn't firing. Then after a few minutes of turning it off and on again it started working. Probably when it fails...
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    Ok update: my cowardly 375F 8min toaster oven bake lasted a smidge over 7 days. Interestingly the power LED came back after a few days for some reason haha.

    I tried briefly to take off the heat sink tonight with my fine-tipped Weller and some solder wick but I don't think I have anything nearly strong enough for the job. I also briefly attempted to drill through the heatsink standoffs to replace them with screws but that wasn't proving to be very easy either.

    I applied a bunch of flux around the BGA chips and I'm going to...
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    @howardc64 thank you so much for the info. Really helpful!

    One more question: how did you remove the heatsink? Mine is soldered on. Did you desolder yours before reflowing? I'm wondering if I could just snip it off then modify it to use screws instead. If I end up needing to toast this thing again, I'd like to try to do it right and take the heatsink off (and probably also get some low viscosity flux).

    My repair is holding out 2 days in. One quirk my 6yo noticed is that the power LED no longer works but the rest of the...
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    @howardc64: how long ago did you oven reflow those last two TVs? How long have they been operating for after the relow?

    I was looking around for a replacement board and it seems they're out of stock most places. There are some on eBay that are used and >$100. Any surprising sources for parts other than Googling + eBay?

    My M50-C1 has a LTCWSPBR* serial number. The main board has the nubmers `GXFCB0QK012020X` and `715G7288-M01-000-005K`. Though from looking around online it looks like the part number `756TXFCB0QK0120` should...
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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    Also, y'all's main boards this crusty on the back? I assume it's just dried flux, but seems like more than I would expect there to be. The crusty bits liquified into a kinda oily substance after toasting it. If I have to do this again, I'll probably go at it with some alcohol because why not.

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  • Re: Vizio M43-C1 No Backlights

    I just had success toaster-oven-ing my M50-C1's main board! Your post gave me the courage. I did 375F for ~8 minutes with the heatsink left on but the thermal rubber things on the back scraped off. @howardc64 did you really do 375C or did you mean 375F? I chickened out short of going the full 10 minutes when the board started putting out a good bit of smoke (probably just smoke from the old flux). But it's been working so far today. I'm not holding my breath for longevity but I'll report back when/if it fails again.

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