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Last Activity: 07-26-2020, 10:26 AM
Joined: 10-07-2006
Location: Hrvatska, Dalmacija
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  • Re: How To Stop CRT Flicker

    crt doesn't even have the proper, discrete pixels, inspect it under magnifying glass. so text sharpness will always be lower than lcd.
    but colors and hiding (for example) video/image compression artefacts....lcd will never be able to match it....
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  • Re: The Cheapest ATX Power Supply on Amazon Prime, How bad can it be?

    dmill89, how are you scoping this, what's the load, ground clip length, probe position?
    if you already wrote about it, please link it....

    i sometimes feel "dumb" (purely resistive) loads are not the reality of these psu lives', and better idea would be to measure noise when they're powering the stuff they normally do, but the noise on the ground.....oughm....i mean all those big and small smps on the mobo....
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  • Re: How to correctly desolder through hole IC?

    [url][/url]Re: How to correctly desolder throug...Path=200[/url]
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  • Re: BCN's Russian Ties! Supermicro P6DGS Build

    win2k may support it somewhere, sometime, [B]but xp supports it better[/B], given that it works ok on xp on same 2007 mobo.
    (and now you'll say that's too new for 2k to support? <wink>)

    as for who controls what (bios or windows), here's interesting thread
    [url][/url]Re: BCN's Russian Ties! Supermicro P6DGS Build

    win2k may support it somewhere, sometime, [B]but xp supports it better[/B], given that it works ok on xp on same
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  • Re: BCN's Russian Ties! Supermicro P6DGS Build

    2k not having a sleep (ie s3 stby) was a deal-breaker for me.
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  • Re: Any good resources on Sony TVs ?

    yeap, that's the state of consumer electronics repair today.
    you ask in the forum instead of asking sony.
    (and i don't think real author. centers are any different)

    i wonder, does even sony have the electric schemes for those!
    probably not!

    it's just not ment to be repaired, that's the sad truth.

    best you can do is compare with a known working part (measuring voltages, scoping) and see if you can make your own service material, like sams in usa back in the day...heh
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  • Re: BCN's Russian Ties! Supermicro P6DGS Build

    that's a solid OS you got there, rock-solid.
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  • Re: I Don't Understand

    offcourse you did, there were no semiconductors on the top side, so nothing to rectify mains ac etc.

    that small smps pos(like "cheap chinese piece of shit") has no power and that's why it starts to pulse as soon as you (over)load it, and it doesn't take much.

    can you power it from pc psu?

    [i like the signature signature, used to have same thing at another forum...]...
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    Last edited by i4004; 11-06-2018, 02:13 PM.

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  • Re: Some serious security bug in INTEL CPUs?? Since Westmere possibly

    stj, ^^ wow!
    where was that written, i hear today fb takes accounts offline for much less!

    this is overblown, just as most stories these days (politics becomes gossip rather quickly, science becomes sf), and i bet this thread alone holds at conspiracy theories on "who exactly made this bug and for what reason".

    but let me offer my take on it, but you don't have to think i'm totally serious, OR that i'm totally kidding....heh:

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  • Re: To overload or not to overload?

    (wouldn't hurt to watch complete video either! <wink>
    and now the thread has mikeselectricstuff and dave jones videos, what more do you need? hehe)

    unique, i would say your psu will have "dirty ground" even with isolation transformer, because it's the way it works. that's why you need differential probes to do this properly.
    (and that's why i'm suggesting totally different concepts...heh..because it soon gets...
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    Last edited by i4004; 09-28-2014, 03:55 PM.

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  • Re: Supermicro curse strikes again

    clever (russian?) girl, she knows such a big iron makes no sense, so she's trying to make a pencil out of it!
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  • Re: Repairing PSU's for Resale: Is it Worth the Time & Hassle?

    if so, wear protective gear on our eyes especially, chinese cheapos like to blow!

    and be aware you're working with mains voltage on primary side. get (or make) a tool to discharge mains caps etc.

    definitely not worth the injury.
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  • Re: To overload or not to overload?

    (dunno if this was the most recent place you discussed this subject, but anyway...)

    did any of you measure impedance of mobo on 5 and 12V rails vs. impedance of those resistors?

    i feel measuring in these 2 conditions is like measuring load of pure wood on the truck vs. a water container always half empty (same weight as wood) .and with truck constantly stopping/starting to move.
    (looking the load on truck's engine/gearbox)

    why not just measure the temperature of coils and caps on mobo that make...
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    Last edited by i4004; 09-28-2014, 10:38 AM.

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  • Re: Repairing PSU's for Resale: Is it Worth the Time & Hassle?

    no, new cheap chinese psus are just too cheap.
    in that sense they're all more trouble than they're worth.

    and people will prefer [B]new[/B] chinese crap to [B]decent used[/B] unit, and you don't have decent ones anyway.

    and you won't find a way to remove those cheapest chinese psus from market, right? Re: Repairing PSU's for Resale: Is it Worth the Time & Hassle?

    no, new cheap chinese psus are just too cheap.
    in that sense
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  • Re: The whole Two Transistor Thing

    rievax, i think both everell and i are way passed the basics stage and working principles of smps are mainly's just that chinese make these things in a wrong way, removing all components they can in order to save some money on mfr.
    [B](and that way produce electronic bastards that shouldn't even exist)[/B]
    it's oscillator steered by feedback...or, it should be...heh...

    voltage on optocoupler was lower on the psu that had 8v stb (2-3v vs. 4-5 on properly functioning one pin was 2v against ground,...
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    Last edited by i4004; 09-01-2014, 08:27 AM.

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  • Re: The whole Two Transistor Thing

    just about the only thing i figured out about 2tr +5vstb circuit is that no voltage on optocoupler (secondary side) means 2 transistors on primary side will blow...on first one i just forgot to put the tl431 back after checking it, and on 2nd i probably shorted 2pins of tl431 while measuring...i also removed the 2nd lytic on secondary that was slightly leaky...that brought the voltage slightly down, by some 200mV or so...dunno was that alone (cap removal) enough to blow primary!

    checked most (better to say all) components...
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    Last edited by i4004; 08-31-2014, 10:15 PM.

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  • Grundig Vision 3 26-3942T/C lcd tv dead

    FSP139-3F01 smps power supply, and it got me stumped.
    fuse was blowing, found the diode bridge with one shorted diode, but even with bridge out, the circuit doesn't really act like a typical smps, where one expects to see resistance go up as mains lytic is charging up (i have analog meter on low ohms in both directions, and digital meter show around 400-500 in diode test, also in both directions).

    what interests me the most is the design with 3 chips, ie what is the purpose of u601/q601 circuit?
    (chips on soldering side have their markings erased)

    also, what's...
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  • Re: Handy power supply tester

    >I was surprised at the lack of interest in this handy ATX power supply tester.

    not many deal with as many psus as you, and when they do, they can use meter(s)...

    but it's a good thing, and i give you thumbs-up!
    those that work with psus a lot should have something like this.
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  • Re: Help and Isotope out

    >cause I don't exactly have the circuit design from Asus, so I can't just guess

    if it boots at all, you could measure the voltage on those caps...then you'll know.
    if it doesn't boot, turning it on could be hazardous.
    in that case somebody who has working board could be able to tell you, but by judging interest for this thread not that many people have/have worked with this board.

    then again, thread is misnamed, and misplaced...there is asus subforum here...
    send topcat a PM, perhaps he didn't see this...
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  • Re: Help and Isotope out

    >they're 680uf 4v

    i know they are, but vrm is probably working on less than 4v voltage ergo 2.5v perhaps would fit...
    and capacitance a bit up or down won't change much.

    offcourse if you can get exact replacements, get them, by all means.
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