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Last Activity: 12-29-2018, 09:44 AM
Joined: 09-16-2017
Location: Grovetown GA
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Do you have a paypal account? I would like to give you something for your buildbox fund. You've been very helpful. private message me your account address.
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Hi STJ, I like your avatar, I've been in facebook jail 5 times already. Can you please compile another lipo version of the AY-AT like you did for me before on post 855 but with the modifications that fill up the display? the 3.2 volt cutoff version worked best, the 3.6 cutoff version gave me a low battery warning when the lipo was at 3.9. BTW the rechargeable mod I made in post 873 works great.
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    I'm still trying to figure out how to compile my own custom build. I have a windows 7 computer with WinAVR installed. I have the following files-

    Makefile (16MHz)

    I understand all the options in the makefile, I just have no clue as to where to go after I make the changes I want.

    I'm using the build that stj made for me with the lipo battery warning settings but it only uses half of the screen for some reason. I really...
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    I opened the makefile with a text editor. Actually I opened all the files with a text editor. When i was a child i was always taking things apart to see what was inside. I cann see how i can chane all kinds of configurations in the makefile, getting the makefile to generate the TransistorTester.eep and TransistorTester.hex files is where i'm lost. do i use something like winavr?
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    it was originally a 9 volt converter, i changed a resistor and made it 6.5 volts
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    OK here it is with my li-po mod and ISP header mod. The lipo is 1500mah and has protection circuitry built in. The second picture is how i wired the charger and boost converter in to the tester, I found this diagram online at this site- [URL=""][/URL] My charger/boost converter was one piece so I cut a trace and separated the 2 the same way as this person did about 1/2 way down in this thread- [URL=""][/URL]...
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    if your room is still cold, please warm it up and compile one for me! AY-AT board, ST7735 display, 16 mhz and I need the low voltage cutoff set to a more li-po friendly value I guess 3.2 volts?
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    I thought about using 2 cells but there's no off the shelf USB charge module available. The module I'm using seems like it's OK I used it on my DSO150 scope build. Will I have to recompile the firmware with a lower low battery threshold?
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  • Re: ESR meter upgrades

    QUESTION!- I have a few lipo cells with protection circuits and some of these micro USB charge controllers with 9 volt boost converters built in. I have the newest AY-AT PCB based tester. I'm going to put the lipo and charge controller/boost converter on it. How can I run the vbat signal that goes to R1 directly to my battery so i can see battery actual battery voltage and not the converter output voltage? Would I need to add another transistor like T1 between the battery and sense circuit to keep the voltage divider on the sense circuit from killing the ...
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