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Last Activity: 12-14-2023, 03:07 PM
Joined: 11-17-2016
Location: Bulgaria
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  • Curious - clock going ahead

    I've encountered curious and strange issue with HP Probook 8470p - the clock is constantly going ahead without any reason at all.
    If I try to synchronize it, everything is fine, but after hour or two I notice that the clock is again 9-12 minutes ahead.
    That's extremely weird. Logically, I checked the time zone and DST - everything is fine there.
    That's only if the laptop was put in hibernation and then turned on again. If it was turned off and then on - everything is fine.
    Any suggestions?
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    Last edited by televizora; 03-15-2023, 01:47 PM.

  • Re: Company Locked Laptops

    It's Windows Autopilot. The message says "Sign in with Microsoft - School or work account"
    I've seen this before on several laptops. You can't bypass the screen, it demands it.
    There is workaround - installing very old version of Windows10.
    "It seems like" this "thing" writes something into the UEFI. Even complete wipe of the drive and new installation won't do any good. Even if the machine isn't connected to the internet. First it will demand internet connection to continue and wont allow you to create local...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-25-2023, 02:28 PM.

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  • Re: Just a FWIW, 2023 is the Twentieth Anniversary Year for BCN!

    Happy Anniversary
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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    Oh, dear. AthlonXP... That's like 20 years old. Yeah, I understand your pain, when it comes to USB capturers, I had similar issues. I was forced to return mine 2 times before they finally sent me one that works. But excluding this, the one that works actually works well. You need to replace that laptop though. It is almost unusable for anything modern.
    The Athlon one you can use as router or whatever, but not as a daily driver.
    I have always liked the Pentium 4-s more than Athlons of that time. Some Pentium4 systems...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-02-2023, 11:27 AM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    You can buy second hand pretty capable laptops under 300USD. If we are talking about XP system and commenting a laptop, these two together mean that currently you operate a laptop with some Celeron/Pentium from 1.0 up to 3Ghz, 4GB of RAM and small SSD or mechanical drive.
    So, for about 300USD you can buy at least 5-6 gen Corei5/i7, 8GB RAM and FHD screen. You will need to eventually upgrade the storage to SSD or bigger SSD/because the 300USD laptop will come with mechanical drive or something like 256GB SSD/ and the...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-02-2023, 03:02 AM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    I am just telling you that if you have to deal with obsolete hardware and software, as well as rampant ransomware attacks, imagine how it is in Eastern European countries, where companies have only a fraction of the budget of your organizations, when it comes to everything, including IT. I know many companies, which buy your 3-5 years old systems to replace their 10-13 years old systems. And everything was fine till Windows11, which generally forces the users to buy brand new systems, as 3-5 years old computers are considered...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2023, 06:11 PM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    Yeah, everything is so true...till she s... hits the fan...
    [url=]Hospital devices exposed to hacking with unsupported operating systems
    Some X-ray, CAT scan and MRI machines are using Windows 7 and Windows XP operating systems. What could go wrong?[/url]
    That's the sad truth. 2020 - hospital systems in US running on WindowsXP and Windows7. And those systems are responsible for your lives, folks. ...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2023, 05:27 PM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    It's not that much of dilemma. Just go and check the computers of anything around you that is government funded.
    I bet you won't find 11+ gen Core I5s with 8+GB of RAM, SSD-s and TPM 2.0, which is what MS expects you to have.
    Their requirements are just absurd. To be able to open Spreadsheets. Especially the TPM and gen of the CPU.
    Till this moment the requirements to just run an OS were pretty moderate.

    Yeah... Can't argue. You must test things on several virtual machines with different configs...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2023, 04:45 PM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    Yes...But if you manage 400+ machines, there are different kinds of problems and concerns... Which are completely different from the problems a single customer with a single PC can have. Money, licensing, time needed to migrate and many other things....
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2023, 04:18 PM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    If I can program, seems like I am crafty enough. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the MS stupidity itself.
    Unfortunately, if you do something like this, MS says that it won't provide support and this is important for enterprises.
    I use Windows10 on my home and work PC-s, not that I like Windows10. I already mentioned how to solve the activation issue
    Unfortunately, when all your business critical software runs on Windows, Linux is just not an option.
    And dropping Chrome support for Windows7 is...
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2023, 03:43 PM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    First of all, Happy New Year. I wish you luck, health and be well.
    Second, I can't say anything about Lowes, as I haven't ever been there.
    But in my country, terminals are running Windows. ATM-s are running Windows. Most apps are written for Windows. Business critical software is written to be ran on Windows. If Lowes invested money into writing their own business solution/terminal and server software/ that's one thing. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of businesses that can afford that amount of money.
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2023, 04:47 AM.

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  • Re: Google Chrome Dropping Support for Windows 7?

    You want to manage all your enterprise network machines? Active Directory.
    You need servers to do so and more? Windows Server.
    You need Windows Applications?(majority of corporate and productivity software) - Windows.
    Actually, there aren't any viable options out there, except Windows. Unless we are talking about niche solutions. When you have software without analogue and you are kind of vendor locked, there aren't any other options. If your business critical software runs on Windows 1000 and requires 1...
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    Last edited by televizora; 12-31-2022, 01:14 PM.

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  • Re: Netgear = By far the most horrible support ever!

    My advice is to buy Mikrotik equipment. Not only there are plenty of options, but I never had issues with warranty.
    Anyway, I think that it can be fixed. Usually it is issue with the switch chip. But for all ports to die simultaneously - strange.
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    Last edited by televizora; 08-20-2022, 03:18 AM.

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  • Re: Why does my truck have a microphone in it?

    Mic is either from stereo/head unit - handsfree or poorly concealed CIA bug.
    The plastic seems to be stock.
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  • Re: Hard drive reliability

    Usually the drives with higher data density die much sooner than the old drives. With certain exceptions, like when manufacturers changed technologies or firmware/mechanics issues. The big exception seems to be WD Blue. Most WD Blue drives I've seen were ones already with issues/failures. I am yet to see other drive, worse than WD Blue. All with bad sectors. But you do know that Blue means "Sad" too, don't you? Even Hitachi Deathstars are much more reliable than WD Blue.
    In my field of work, most of our computers are just "terminals''....
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    Last edited by televizora; 01-01-2022, 07:48 AM.

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  • HP 8470p - distorted sound and noise when playing audio

    I have an issue with HP 8470p - rather strange one.
    I have a noise and sound distortions on both internal speakers and external speakers, when I plug such into the 3.5mm audio jack.
    Seems like the noise is present especially when I play audio, where there are parts/sections where the volume of the actual recorded sound is low.
    Interestingly, when I play the windows sound test, everything seems to be almost okay. The sound/distortions are similar to when you have interference from some other piece of equipment nearby or when you have an audio receiver with bad amplifier...
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    Last edited by televizora; 12-31-2021, 10:31 AM.

  • Re: Anybody here still uses Win 7?

    LI use Windows 10. Some programs no longer run on Win7
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  • Re: sancon china caps

    Actually, according to my experience, SANCON are not that bad caps.
    They are at the level of Teapo and are substantially better than Capxon, Suscon or Lelon.
    Actually, everything is better than those 3 "brands".
    I even used Sancons on motherboards or PSU-s. But I generally follow the rule - one magnitude greater voltage than the original cap.
    If the original cap is 6.3V, I install 10V. If 10V - install 16V. If 16 - install 25V.
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    Last edited by televizora; 12-15-2021, 11:41 AM.

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  • Re: My Uni-T died... looking for a replacement

    Uni-T and MG and clones are not bad devices for their price.
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  • Re: HP 250G4 la-c701p constantly switching between battery and AC power

    Measured all mosfets. Everything with them is fine.
    On the G there are about 22V(my multimeter is not true RMS)
    Measured all ceramic capacitors between the AC in and Battery.
    Periodically voltages on the G of the two mosfets AC and RB just disappear fully and the system switches to battery. Then they appear again and the charge continues.
    There is neither charger OV or BAT OV. I don't understand why it periodically switches between AC+charging and battery only when the battery is present...
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    Last edited by televizora; 10-03-2021, 01:04 PM.

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