Yamaha RX-V series (specifically the 675) won't power up.
This isn't a bad caps problem, but appears to be their overly aggressive protection circuit problem.
I got it uses, initially it did power up. Going through testing all the inputs and outputs (except for the surround speaker outputs) all was fine.
After a few hours, I came back to familiarize myself with the on screen menu, but it didn't respond to the front panel button. I unplugged and re-plugged it and it did power up.
The next day no power At all, removing the power cord and re-applying it made no difference....
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Yamaha RX-V*7* series protection circuits
Re: Plasma capacitor discharge time after removing power cord
Ok, thanks.
In the past I have seen some guys just short out the pins which I never did and didn't think it was the greatest idea.
Your take?Last edited by videobruce; 10-10-2014, 09:52 AM.
Plasma capacitor discharge time after removing power cord
About how long after power being removed and all cables disconnected from the SMPS board on a Plasma set is it safe to remove that PS to test? Too be sure, what points can be checked for stray voltage that wasn't discharged?
This is a 2010 LG set if that matters.
Re: Testing a Plasma PS without any boards connected?
When plugged in, the standby light flashes twice and then dies. Nothing is coming off the PS as far as I can tell. No relay clicking.
It's a LG 60PK250. The supply looks clean, no burns, cold solder joints or bulged caps. Most all connectors where disconnected and the reconnected more than once in case it was a contact problem.
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Re: Testing a Plasma PS without any boards connected?
I happened to stumble across a "training manual" for a similar series set and there are two pages on testing under load that are written differently. The 1st says nothing about disconnecting it from the rest of the chassis. The 2nd version tells you to disconnect the connector to the main board. Nothing about removing the board from the rest of the circuit on either.;
The other version is here;...
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Re: Testing a Plasma PS without any boards connected?
LG 60PK250/550 from 2010
Using a load, is that with all the boards connected or disconnected?Last edited by videobruce; 10-03-2014, 10:39 AM.
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Testing a Plasma PS without any boards connected?
To trouble shoot what appears to be a bad Plasma PS, disconnecting all of the daughter boards, where should a load go and how much to have the supply up and running to check voltages?
Re: Philips 52" LCDTV 5000 series question
Polaroid was only a name someone bought rights to. Good luck finding out whatever/whomever actually manufactured those POS's....
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Re: TV Repair Reference Library
Ten and more years ago, I don't remember not having full schematic and a parts list with almost any SM I bought. Now you don't seem to get either.
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Re: Vizio 42 Tuner - Can They Out?
Your question makes no sense. "Can they out"??
What exactly are you trying to do?Last edited by videobruce; 10-02-2014, 07:20 PM.
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Re: LG 60PK250/550 series Plasma; no standby
The set is from 2010 and was left one for hours on end (a [B]real[/B] poor practice) with no one watching. There was a fair amount of dust collected everywhere which was removed (not by a can of compressed air). The only discoloration I saw was on the reap internal cover. But, nothing I would consider unusual.
Again, the boards were not discolored at all.Re: LG 60PK250/550 series Plasma; no standby
The set is from 2010 and was left one for hours on end (a [B]real[/B] poor practice) with no one watching. There was
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LG 60PK250/550 series Plasma; no standby
When power cord is inserted into a outlet all I get are two flashes of the power LED, then nothing. Completely dead. No clicking.
The power supply, Y & Z boards all have been removed and inspected under a magnifying lamp for bulged caps, cold solder joints & burn marks and nothing found. All connectors were also inspected and reseated 3 or 4 times.
Initially when the set died a repair shop came out and inspected the power supply board and 'hit' a few possible suspicious solder joints. The set worked for a month or so, then died again. What also was happening,...
Re: TV Repair Reference Library
I'm trying to find power supply, Y & A sus board schematics for LG plasma TV's. Specifically for the 60PK250/550 series.
All their service manuals have are for the control & main board.
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Re: How a plasma display panel (PDP) works
A cut & paste to a document for me.
Much thanks.
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