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Last Activity: 05-09-2009, 12:33 AM
Joined: 04-20-2009
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    Hi all, wow, I left for a week and LOTS of stuff was talked about. I got the ccfl mod kit in, tested the lamps in the monitor screen with the mod kit's inverter, and all tested fine. They lit up and stayed on. I will try the mod kit's lamps with the monitors inverter next and see what happens, probably cut back off again. I believe it has something to do with me replacing the cap "in the blue circle" with the wrong mF value. I got the voltage right on it tho.
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    Thanks for the detailed explanation there PlainBill, wow. My CCFL mod kit is comming today and I will tinker with it and get back to you with the results. I think I understand about how the inverter operates now after the help from everyone on this thread and reading the internet, google is my best friend, sometimes. Anywho, I will be back on when I get the tests complete and show my findings.

    Thanks Again! Yall are super! (pardon the southern)
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    What part of the circuit allows it to "see" a fault? Would there be a shunt regulator or something that sends the overflow of current to a control circuit? Sorry about this, and I don't mean to beat the bush into the ground, but I want to know exactly what cuts the inverter on or off, is it some type of micro controller? I will check the transformer until I get my ccfl mod in the mail to test the lamps/inverter with.

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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    I read about the mod kit inverter and ccfl tests and also the scope test. I am going to purchase a light kit mod and try to test my ccfl's. Thanks alot for this info, however, if I do test the ccfl's and they are okay, then i am to assume it's the inverter. Is there a common part that fails? Maybe a transformer or mosfet? Or is it likely something random? I'm kinda new to getting this deep into the electronics, and trying to understand how each part works together with the others to accomplish something. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks! You ...
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    okay, i've tested most of the 300 and 400 components and can't find any that are bad. What is the most common failure prone component of the inverter that usually goes out? I cannot replace this part because I cannot find one online without buying a new monitor and the darn thing has the psu and ccfl inverter integrated into the same board. SO, I cannot use a universal unit without too much modification. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    Thanks for that bit of info that I didn't know about the 100,200,300,400 components! I have a pic of the back side right here.. take a look at it and get back to me. I did a solder bypass and forgot to remove it as you can see....
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    WOW, that is some really good information that I didn't know about the 100, 200, 300, and 400 components. Thanks! Here are some pics of the back side....
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    Here are some photos.. the one titles trans.jpg is a pic of a shunt regulator. KIA431A. I removed it, tested it, and put it back on (backwards) before I actually fixed the "no power, bad cap" problem, so this may have something to do with it. I desoldered it and put it back in right, and now I have the problem of a blank screen after 1 second....
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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    Hi, thanks for the reply. You are more than likely correct. I am going to post some pics in a while of the board which is ALMOST just like the one above. Could you help me to point out the inverter?

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  • Re: Gateway 900G frustration

    Hi, I have an IC Power 900G with the same type of power supply. It clicked like above, and I replaced all caps EXCEPT the culprit.. after reading this, I recapped it too, and it worked for that problem. Now, when the monitor comes on, it stays on for 1 second, then the screen goes blank, but the green light stays on. I just replaced that cap with a 470uf 25V cap that I used to replace the others, the voltage was the same as the culprit, however, the uf was lower. Do you think this may account for the other problem i'm having?

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