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Samsung QLED Q60R constant reboot issue

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    Re: Samsung QLED Q60R constant reboot issue

    Just wanted to say that i had the same problem. Diode d001 is shorted in the right part of screen. I removed it and tv is working fine. Thank you


      Re: Samsung QLED Q60R constant reboot issue

      Originally posted by View Post
      this QN55Q60RAFXZA was rebooting.
      backlights stayed on when power cable to main was disconnected.
      i reconnected the cable.
      pulled ldvs cables... set stayed on.
      turned up volume... had sound.
      remote turned the set on and off normally.
      tried each ldvs cable one at a time... set stayed on.

      reconnected both ldvs.. set reboots.

      i removed panel circuit board cover and let it run with both ldvs cables connected.

      felt around the boards until i burnt my finger.
      found diode pack hot.
      removed two hot diode packs.. restored the tv to a working state.
      they are very tiny
      This saved me a lot of time. I got a set for peanuts from a fellow who had given up on a QN65Q60R that was boot looping. He had attempted to block traces on the LVDS cables and had concluded there was a short on the board. With the help of a infrared thermometer and temp probe I was able to identify a single 6514P ESR protection diode. third in from the left edge. I did a bit of a hatchet job trying to remove it but as soon as I was done I plugged it back in and the TV turned on and stayed on with the full image restored, no lines, artifacts, etc.

      Save for a 'water spot' near where I was working in the lower left corner. It might be flux (yeah, I know) or simply IPA I was using to clean. The use of an air compressor to dry probably exacerbated things, pushing the material up the COF cable. (Frankly, I didn't even know fluid could travel, apparently along the inside, of those cables) I've tried to gently heat the panel from both sides and carefully apply some negative pressure by shop vac - so far without any luck. The spot might just be getting smaller on its own but it's only been a few days. If any one has any advice on how I might ameliorate my blotch, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, thanks a million for this thread. It was a marvelously simply fix.

      One last question for y'all. What is the best explanation for this failure? It seems the diode failed in the open state with high resistance either direction versus a shorted diode. Was this simply a defective component or did it fail while actually protecting data lines from ESD, power surge etc.? It won't be an easy component to solder back in place and I guess I'd like some peace of mind if I decline an attempt. Thanks!

      Note the blotch changes tone with viewing angle / pics taken at same time
      Attached Files


        Re: Samsung QLED Q60R constant reboot issue

        I had the same issue and also repaired by replacing with 6514p from Digikey on a Samsung. I have since repaired another tv (nec 55”) by simply removing both of the esd diodes and NOT putting any back in their place. I use heat tape on the cof cable strip and a terry cloth damped with isopropyl under the strip to soak heat and avoid lifting the pressed and glued strip. Then generous amount of flux and chip quick solder to knock them off then follow with iso then more flux and desolder wick to clean up remaining solder. Many TVs don't seem to have these diodes and the newer ones that do have them tend to fail easily.


          Re: Samsung QLED Q60R constant reboot issue

          Hi. My tv (QN55Q60RAF) has the same rebooting issue. The cluster of diodes that contains D001 is extremely hot on the left side of the LCD panel.

          I am inexperienced in soldering and removing components - what kind of equipment would I need to attempt removal? And are there any tutorials out there that could help me? I've images of the hot cluster below. Thanks!


            I used OnSemi part SZESD7004 and that Did not work. I guess the 6514p seems to have an additional diode on the 3,8 pins.. maybe that's the difference? Anyway I have those on order, just now sure why the OnSemi parts didn't work.
            Last edited by jason123; 12-26-2023, 05:09 PM.


              Originally posted by jason123 View Post

              Do you have a part number for these diode pack anybody? I removed the D002, the TV was working fine then I installed the OnSemi ESD7004, someone recommended on a different post, and now the TV is rebooting ago, though the pack is not getting hot.
              We removed it and there is no need to install anything else, everything will work fine, these diodes do more harm than good.


                Datasheet for 6514P.
                Attached Files


                  Originally posted by lotas View Post
                  Datasheet for 6514P.
                  I guess the 6514P is bidirectional and the one I used is unidirectional? Can't think of why else it wouldn't have worked. Can't imagine they just added clamping diodes just because. The fact they failed, tells me these are taking heavy hits, so running without them may not be very smart - I'm guessing Click image for larger version

Name:	ESD7004.jpg
Views:	1089
Size:	74.2 KB
ID:	3168547


                    Originally posted by jason123 View Post

                    I guess the 6514P is bidirectional and the one I used is unidirectional? Can't think of why else it wouldn't have worked. Can't imagine they just added clamping diodes just because. The fact they failed, tells me these are taking heavy hits, so running without them may not be very smart - I'm guessing Click image for larger version

Name:	ESD7004.jpg
Views:	1089
Size:	74.2 KB
ID:	3168547
                    Good question, I too would like to know if these need to be replaced for safety or are they just redundant components. They fail a LOT, is it poor design? guess I also wonder if maybe they know these will fail just out of warranty and people will buy a new tv?
                    Quit due to disrespect from unpaid sta,ff.


                      Confirming that uClamp 6514P works fine to replace the defective IC. ESD7004 (non-bidirectional) DOES NOT work.


                        Hi everyone!
                        I just bought an "as is" Samsung QE50Q60 Smart TV, it wants to start, lights up BL, but enters into a reboot cycle not even getting to show anything on screen.
                        Should I start by going straight to these diode bridges? Sounds like it could be the same?

                        Thanks a lot!


                          It does sound like a similar problem. IF it's a diode packe issue, the shorted diode pack gets very hot (be careful not to burn your fingers!), At least it did in my case. You could do some voltage measurements on the PS rails first, just to be sure. Good luck


                            Originally posted by jason123 View Post
                            It does sound like a similar problem. IF it's a diode packe issue, the shorted diode pack gets very hot (be careful not to burn your fingers!), At least it did in my case. You could do some voltage measurements on the PS rails first, just to be sure. Good luck
                            Ok will check this next weekend. I've also seen that these tvs usually fail due to shorts inside the panel which is not repairable but the tape masking might take it back to life with some quality loss...

                            Anyone know if this method would last or would only give a couple.months? Because that's what I've read...

                            Will keep you all posted when I try it



                              I've seen the tape method work for years but as you mentioned the picture is usually degraded in some way or another.

