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Samsung UN60EH6000F Black Screen, Backlight and Sound Good. Power Cycle Returns Picture

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    Samsung UN60EH6000F Black Screen, Backlight and Sound Good. Power Cycle Returns Picture

    I have a 60 inch Samsung UN60EH6000F flatscreen TV. The screen went black a few months ago Sound is good, backlight is good, no menu. I replaced the TCon board with a used board purchased from Ebay. It worked fine for a 3-4 months, then the screen started ‘fading' back. Once again, sound is good, backlight is good, no menu. However, this time the picture looks fine for about 10-15 minutes, then fades back. If I power cycle the TV, the display reappears, for another 10-15 minutes, then fades black again. Repeatable ever time.

    I ordered a supposedly ‘new' Tcon board this time, and upon installation get no picture at all. Reinstall the old Tcon board, and the picture returns again for the previously mentioned 10-15 minutes. I returned the ‘new' Tcon board as defective, and they sent me a replacement. Same symptom. Black screen on power up. Once again, Reinstall the old Tcon board, and the picture and menus return again for another 10 minutes. Power cycle returns picture.

    I'm skeptical that I received two defective Tcon boards, but it seem odd that the symptom is worse with the new boards than with the original board. Looking for any recommendations before I scrap this TV completely and move on.

    Thank you in advance!

    start to upload photos of the whole set back and the PSU..
    it sound from yours trying its Caps issue at PSU rail 12V t-CON.... photos will tell more about this rail direction


      Attached are pictures of the power supply as well as the whole TV back. I didn't notice any swelled caps.
      Attached Files


        yours T-CON VCC 12V fed from mainboards.. you need to check at time the issue appears if you still have 12V on the T-CON fuse close to LVDS socket.. we need to know if it remains 12V or go low.

        incase its remain 12V and there no change at this rail you need to disconnect half of the screen from T-CON and check if the issue appears too or picture remain on at half screen


          I appreciate the attention to this! Thank you!

          12V remains at fuse F301 on the T-Con board before and after the picture is lost. It does not fluctuate from a full 12V (12.38 to be exact).

          I disconnected the connector from the right side of the T-Con board (viewed from the back) and the picture remains on the right side of the screen temporarily, and eventually goes black (left side of the screen was white, then went black)

          I disconnected the connector from the LEFT side of the T-Con board (viewed from the back) and the picture remained on the left side of the screen temporarily, and eventually goes black (Right side of the TV was white, then went black).
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by Mgiffune View Post
            I appreciate the attention to this! Thank you!

            12V remains at fuse F301 on the T-Con board before and after the picture is lost. It does not fluctuate from a full 12V (12.38 to be exact).

            I disconnected the connector from the right side of the T-Con board (viewed from the back) and the picture remains on the right side of the screen temporarily, and eventually goes black (left side of the screen was white, then went black)

            I disconnected the connector from the LEFT side of the T-Con board (viewed from the back) and the picture remained on the left side of the screen temporarily, and eventually goes black (Right side of the TV was white, then went black).
            it sound right now we do have here cutting signal from mainboards, please try use Freeze air can on the mainboards to see if the picture stay longer

            if no change try freeze the T-CON
            Last edited by Diah; 06-12-2024, 03:13 PM.


              That may be tough, the picture stays normal for up to 30 minutes. Sometimes less, rarely more. It doesn't seem practical to spray freeze for 30 minutes.


                I will add, why does the replacement T-Con board give an immediate black screen? Could I have received two bad T-con boards? (Possible, I guess).


                  Originally posted by Mgiffune View Post
                  I will add, why does the replacement T-Con board give an immediate black screen? Could I have received two bad T-con boards? (Possible, I guess).
                  t-con are belong to panel.. it could be found at other brand TVs. but still the firmware and parameters will be absolute different. .. orr they are indeed defect
                  try to log in service menu and do from there hard reset... ( don't use normal menu user factory reset )


                    I'm unfamiliar with how to access the service menu. Would you recommend I just replace the main board at this point?


                      Service menu : on remote press MUTE... 182....POWER.


                        I performed the system reset. No change. Screen eventually goes black after about 15 minutes.


                          let see the mainboards clearly from the top and downside


                            Seems like there isn't much left other than the main board. I hate just throwing parts at a problem, but should I order and replace the main board? Power supply seem OK?
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                              put movie or photo on USB stick and play it on the TV as USB source... let see if the it remain on

                              and check this 2 marked in photo they look funny

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Main1.jpg
Views:	121
Size:	319.3 KB
ID:	3289915


                                Try updating the software via USB.
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                                  Those caps do look rough. That was a good catch. I took a picture of those caps as close as I could. The second picture is the original posted above, but enlarged. It looks even worse, but I wonder if that could just be the photograph.

                                  Any idea what the value of those caps may be? I'm not sure I'm up to replacing surface mount caps free hand. I worked in component level circuit board repair decades ago (1998) and used a microscope to replace these kinds of parts as well as multi legged chips. I don't have access to that kind of equipment, and my 55 year old eyes aren't what they used to be!

                                  I don't expect anything will play normally off of USB, since the menu itself disappears. I will try, nonetheless. I'll try that and the software update first thing tomorrow morning and report back.

                                  Thanks again!
                                  Attached Files


                                    These are coils, chokes.
                                    Attached Files


                                      yes L601 602

                                      menu when you call it with Tuner source... i asked on USB source so the Tuner will be out as source.


                                        Firmware upgrade made no change. USB exhibits the same symptom (both before and after the firmware upgrade).

