Problem solved with NOS MC7812C with Caps. Working fine.
the best you done.. i love DIY in cases there are complex,,, thought via DIY i made TVs and projector from scraps., even old B/W CRT wood box TV work on android HDMI input. LOL
the best you done.. i love DIY in cases there are complex,,, thought via DIY i made TVs and projector from scraps., even old B/W CRT wood box TV work on android HDMI input. LOL
BTW Diah
Have you ever came across short in panel of Samsung Q7F QLED. I have one lying since a couple of week, resolved a short on panel board. Yet still there is a short on the qled panel itself at left lower corner where all horizontal lines emerge. It getting very hot at just this point. I was wondering to dig with a dremel here and see what happens. Any ideas?
BTW Diah
Have you ever came across short in panel of Samsung Q7F QLED. I have one lying since a couple of week, resolved a short on panel board. Yet still there is a short on the qled panel itself at left lower corner where all horizontal lines emerge. It getting very hot at just this point. I was wondering to dig with a dremel here and see what happens. Any ideas?
yes .. at COVID time i got one of this shit sammy TV from friend, there was short at panel gate cells. with infrared camera i can located the area but not exactly point. for fun with my friend i used my Laser machine for engraving i have one at home (Nd:YAG laser) with output wavelength 532nm , i removed the XY galve and used the beam direct after the expander to 100mm laser Lens ( the focused spot of the laser beam will be in nano ... i pulsed the beam at several points to destroy the gate transistors ...result was the short went out... but there are noticeable burn and 4 thin line vertically LOL .. my friends liked the idea and push me to pulse more in hope the lines disappear.. end result fire spot in size 1 euro coin ... but the lines become more ..