Re: Openflex Boardview: New boardview software (linux, windows and OSX)
I just started to repair notebook motehrboard and now I'm starting being familiar with all available tools that can support my hobby (for me it is not a job)
Openboardview v8 looks great and when I tried to see an asus fz file and got error I understood that the reason was the missing FZ key (thanks to this forum). Now I have the key (post above). I discovered instructions to "manually copy the FZ keys to the end of file "%AppData% \ Roaming \ OpenBoardView \ obv.conf". My problem is that I downloaded openboardview 8 for windows and it is a standalone .exe file, so I cannot find any "obv.conf".
Can someone write complete instructions on how to setup obv in order to open .fz files?
I have "fear" that I need to compile the software. If so I will appreciate instruction and software need to compile (it will be my first time")
Re: Openflex Boardview: New boardview software (linux, windows and OSX)
I discovered the file exactly as written in my previous post: %AppData%\Roaming\OpenBoardView\
I didn't realize that the .exe file automatically create such folder and file
Now it works fine.
Sorry for my pour experiance.
Re: Openflex Boardview: New boardview software (linux, windows and OSX)
Hello. Even pasting the key above in the "obv.conf" file I still have an error message when opening a file. All files like .asc or .fz I have to do how please
Re: Openflex Boardview: New boardview software (linux, windows and OSX)
Originally posted by mon2
Try the attached.
Thank you, it's nice, but this one I already have, it's the one I use. But I would like to be able to use openboardview because it draws links between conections
Re: Openflex Boardview: New boardview software (linux, windows and OSX)
I'm having a problem with the annotations in openboardview on Windows. After I've closed the program, and later reopen it. The annotation appears in a random location away from the component I applied it to. In order to get it back to it's original location, I have to put the board back in the same orientation it was originally, then select the component, open the annotation, and click update.
Is this a bug, or could it be I'm incorrectly apply them in the 1st place?
I'm having a problem with the annotations in openboardview on Windows. After I've closed the program, and later reopen it. The annotation appears in a random location away from the component I applied it to. In order to get it back to it's original location, I have to put the board back in the same orientation it was originally, then select the component, open the annotation, and click update.
Is this a bug, or could it be I'm incorrectly apply them in the 1st place?