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Lenovo Thinkpad L15 (CPU 10th Gen) Supervisor Password

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    Re: Lenovo Thinkpad L15 (CPU 10th Gen) Supervisor Password

    Originally posted by rbvndonh View Post

    Author of this topic ask about password and how to recover it. Seems he made a post in wrong part of forum, as he didn't made bios request, but password removal help.
    I continue discussion of how to remove password.
    I didn't upload bios file at all, so i think this is missunderstanding.
    This topic is about Lenovo Thinkpad L15 Supervisor Password removal, if your request is about this model OK, if not you are off topic here, that's why you must provide the data I've asked for as per the rules.

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      Originally posted by rbvndonh View Post
      Re: Lenovo Thinkpad L15 (CPU 10th Gen) Supervisor Password

      Please help with connection of RT809H.
      With auto-ISP it shall connect without problem?

      RST cable shall be connected?
      There is somwere 10K resistor to switch to able programming?

      I made schematic fot ISP/JTAG, can someone confirm?
      reupload with small image
      Could somebody confim this is working with Lenovo L15 gen 1 ?


        Originally posted by farouk_1994 View Post
        Re: Lenovo Thinkpad L15 (CPU 10th Gen) Supervisor Password

        Hello sir can you upload video or picturs how to read the i/o on this model using
        svod4 please


          I am able to read the EC for L15 Gen1 with SVOD4. Can someone assist me on how to remove supervisor password. I have tried yoga x390 (x13 to confirme )nuvoton npce288/388 sv password removal guide with svod4 and it did not work for me.

          Attached is my EC dump.
          Attached Files




            Originally posted by ssdd View Post
            Try this file
            Attached Files

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              Originally posted by ymifdal View Post

              Could somebody confim this is working with Lenovo L15 gen 1 ?
              Is there any way to read the EC for this model my friends using the RT809H?


                hoaca388, tried your file and it's still not working. Now I am not able to power up the laptop. I have verified that I do have power.


                  ymifdal, I am not familiar with RT809H. If your RT809H software support NUVOTON chips, and the programmer support 1.8V and I don't see why RT809H cannot read/write. Just map the RT809H pins to keyboard pins.


                    Anyone know if there is an instruction how to removal supervisor password from EC dump for Lenovo L15 Gen1?


                      Originally posted by ssdd View Post
                      ymifdal, I am not familiar with RT809H. If your RT809H software support NUVOTON chips, and the programmer support 1.8V and I don't see why RT809H cannot read/write. Just map the RT809H pins to keyboard pins.
                      rbvndonh already matched the pins I guess in post # 78
                      All is remaining is locating the pull up resistor to be able to test read/write


                        If the pull up resistor is in question I would look at the NUVOTON chip specs and other programmers specs to see their requirement to perform read/write. I know there is a lot of research/homework that need to be done here unless someone here at the have a solution for you.


                          Originally posted by ssdd View Post
                          hoaca388, tried your file and it's still not working. Now I am not able to power up the laptop. I have verified that I do have power.

                          Originally posted by ssdd View Post
                          Anyone know if there is an instruction how to removal supervisor password from EC dump for Lenovo L15 Gen1?
                          Clear Password NPCE68AP
                          3C420 to 3C45F and 3D420 to 3D45F
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Maxpower3; 04-25-2024, 12:37 PM.


                            I tried to comminicate, but RY809h don't have this chip in list of available chips. Auto dont work, so maybe resistor switch is required.

                            I think buying RT809H instead of SVOD was one of my biggest fault lat years.


                              Originally posted by Maxpower3 View Post
                              Clear Password NPCE68AP
                              3C420 to 3C45F and 3D420 to 3D45F
                              Maxpower3 could You explain, what exactly does mean numbers above?


                                help lenovo l15 gen 1 nouvton password
                                Attached Files


                                  Originally posted by pjpl View Post
                                  Maxpower3 could You explain, what exactly does mean numbers above?
                                  They are from offset when you read the EC file by a hexadecimal program like HxD . so you need to clear between those numbers.


                                    Originally posted by zinnou View Post
                                    help lenovo l15 gen 1 nouvton password
                                    Hi, can please tell us how did you exract the EC file ? and with what . thanks in advance .


                                      i have a locked T14 gen1. Serial number can't be read unfortunately(the sticker is torn) , i don't know what details to give you in such case, except the board is NM-C631.
                                      I managed to read the Nuvoton NPCE68 with SVOD4, i attach the file.
                                      I tried to remove the password by comparing with the file for SSDD that MAXpower3 gave.
                                      Now it gives me "bad SVP data" error and shuts down. I also attach the file i modified.
                                      Please help me
                                      Later edit: i also modify only the areas that Maxpower mentioned (3C420 to 3C45F and 3D420 to 3D45F) and also, BAD SVP.
                                      Attached Files


                                        Originally posted by babydoll8867 View Post
                                        i have a locked T14 gen1. Serial number can't be read unfortunately(the sticker is torn) , i don't know what details to give you in such case, except the board is NM-C631.
                                        I managed to read the Nuvoton NPCE68 with SVOD4, i attach the file.
                                        I tried to remove the password by comparing with the file for SSDD that MAXpower3 gave.
                                        Now it gives me "bad SVP data" error and shuts down. I also attach the file i modified.
                                        Please help me
                                        your serial is in EC dump: PF1T6YFJ

                                        try this file
                                        Attached Files

