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    Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

    Originally posted by peste View Post
    bios extracted from the Asus site update..
    thankyou for your effort, but but i already have that one and dont know what to do with that, i can only extract bios region from that , other --- dont know.. . . . . . i have cleaned ME region, PMC region and put the latest bios on it but without modifying discriptor regon or changing its S/N , bios is not working , thats what i feel so... ; so i just want the bios with the s/n on it or whatever the input may require. . .since i dont have backup bios of old one so my summerized question is like.............. what to do when you change PCH , what modified bios we need ? . . . again thankyou soo much for your time.


      Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

      Originally posted by Suzn123 View Post
      thankyou for your effort, but but i already have that one and dont know what to do with that, i can only extract bios region from that , other --- dont know.. . . . . . i have cleaned ME region, PMC region and put the latest bios on it but without modifying discriptor regon or changing its S/N , bios is not working , thats what i feel so... ; so i just want the bios with the s/n on it or whatever the input may require. . .since i dont have backup bios of old one so my summerized question is like.............. what to do when you change PCH , what modified bios we need ? . . . again thankyou soo much for your time.
      you only have to write it on the bios chip... you don't have to delete anything on it .. it's the virgin bios..
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        Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

        Originally posted by Suzn123 View Post
        Anyone , please hep me with the bios. laptop turns on , takes 1.3 Amp , but no display. . i dont have the backup bios, i tried cleaning ME region with the backup bios from the internet but no good result. all voltages are OK to me , dont know what is the fault so first i wanna make sure bios is ok, then i can go back to board again, if same problem .. . . . so please someone rebuild fresh working bios with this serial number .. . . . and can can anyone share their dump file/ working bios backup of GX531GS with us??? please

        Model - GX531GS-AH76
        S/N - J9NRCV029123394
        CN - JL52
        MFD - 2018-09
        Perhaps this BIOS will help you, try it.

        If it doesn't work, take an image for any QR code/Bar code sticker on the motherboard and post it here.
        Attached Files
        Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests
        all donations are welcome,
        see the donate button at the bottom of the page, or
        click on this link to donate via PayPal. <<<<<
        Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


          Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

          Originally posted by hardware1 View Post
          Perhaps this BIOS will help you, try it.

          If it doesn't work, take an image for any QR code/Bar code sticker on the motherboard and post it here.

          thankyou so much for your effort , and , but its similar to above GX531-F1 image which i have already tried, but still it does not hurt to try again. . .. will try and let you know . . till then here are the QR image and also MEanalyzer error for that bios , could be the reason for not working . . . thankyou again.
          Attached Files


            Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

            Originally posted by Suzn123 View Post
            thankyou so much for your effort , and , but its similar to above GX531-F1 image which i have already tried, but still it does not hurt to try again. . .. will try and let you know . . till then here are the QR image and also MEanalyzer error for that bios , could be the reason for not working . . . thankyou again.
            Just try my file and see what will happen. You got errors by ME Analyzer because you are using an old version. This isn't the correct QR code, search for another one, it could be on a sticker or printed on the board.
            Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests
            all donations are welcome,
            see the donate button at the bottom of the page, or
            click on this link to donate via PayPal. <<<<<
            Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


              Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

              Originally posted by hardware1 View Post
              Just try my file and see what will happen. You got errors by ME Analyzer because you are using an old version. This isn't the correct QR code, search for another one, it could be on a sticker or printed on the board.
              OMG , my life was a lie, i thought i was using the latest , didnt check. and luckily version r329 just been arrived, so that means you too now using old version. . . .
              .. and thanks alot. .. . . . i will give it a try. . . . abd about QR, i dont see anywhere else, just many barcodes. .which i share here . . .
              and if someone have (board view) brd version of this motherboard- GX531GS, please share. i could only find the pdf version which makes it difficult to find the connections.
              thanks again. have a great time. . .
              Attached Files


                Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

                Originally posted by Suzn123 View Post
                and if someone have (board view) brd version of this motherboard- GX531GS, please share. i could only find the pdf version which makes it difficult to find the connections.
                All schematic and/or boardview requests should be placed at "Schematic Requests ONLY!" sub-forum, so make your request in the thread where you "found the pdf version" as well, not here!

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                  Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

                  Originally posted by hardware1 View Post
                  Just try my file and see what will happen. You got errors by ME Analyzer because you are using an old version. This isn't the correct QR code, search for another one, it could be on a sticker or printed on the board.
                  NO luck . . my problem is similar to i guess. . but i dont have proper bios to verify if its PCH or bios. . .

                  same condition like him, all PWRGD voltage checked ok, PCH is turning suer hot to touch while starting, , 1.05VSUS voltage for PCH is ok but its 40ohm resistance to the groung, unlike another acer nitro 5 with similar PCH has 1kohm resistance to the ground . . is it ok?

                  he is lucky to find doner board, which i dont have .

                  i cant request brd here, . but i would like to request bios file from working motherboard or similar board. i want to make sure its not the bios , before moving on to PCH
                  and what i dont understand is the bios is 128mb but the bios file is 16mb , , am i missing something? . . please help.



                    Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

                    Originally posted by Suzn123 View Post
                    and what i dont understand is the bios is 128mb but the bios file is 16mb , , am i missing something? . . please help.
                    128 Megabits flash memory chip = 128 Megabits (Mb) = 16,384 KiloBytes (KB)

                    16,384 KiloBytes (KB)=16 MegaBytes (MB)
                    1 MB = 1,024 KB

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                      Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

                      ohh is it in megabits (Mb). . . Ohhhhhh lord where is my brain at. . this problem is killing my brain cells but i dont wanna give up. . trying again, keep learning... its addicting

                      hope someone making right bios for me to try again . . . .


                        Originally posted by Vladimir34567 View Post
                        Re: ASUS ROG GX531GW BIOS Request

                        I have 306 version on my gx531gw zepherys s 2070 max-q 8750H
                        BIOS 307 and 308 locks out undervolting completely, so for this purpose you have 2 choices
                        1. Install BIOS 306
                        2. Modify your Bios 307 or 308 (there is a videoo on Youtube how to do this) in order to unlock undervolting
                        Cant make XTU undervolting to work (new XTU version greyout adjustments) old version of XTU crashes.
                        But I still managed to do -.140mV in ThrottleStop

                        PS: I couldnt find working version of 306 BIOS nowhere in the internet, hope ill help somebody with this.

                        I have installed this BIOS V306 sucessfully
                        but still can't see voltage configuration on advanced tab

                        is it suppose to not have voltage configuration and other options related to clock speed to undervolt?

                        cant change modify values for core voltage on intel xtu and asus armory crate, not avaliable


                          I've got an Asus GX531GW-AB76 that is not posting after a failed attempt to flash v306 in order to enable undervolting. I've dumped the BIOS via CH341 us AsProgrammer and it is attached. FYI, the BIOS chip was soldered directly to CH341 for the dump, not attached via test clip so the reading should be good. The motherboard model number is 60NR02H0-MB1010. Thanks for any help folks can provide.
                          Attached Files


                            Originally posted by mgrharry View Post
                            I've got an Asus GX531GW-AB76 that is not posting after a failed attempt to flash v306 in order to enable undervolting. I've dumped the BIOS via CH341 us AsProgrammer and it is attached. FYI, the BIOS chip was soldered directly to CH341 for the dump, not attached via test clip so the reading should be good. The motherboard model number is 60NR02H0-MB1010. Thanks for any help folks can provide.
                            Thread merged. Type and post the laptop serial number
                            All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                              Serial number is K5NRCV01W093197. Thanks.


                                Originally posted by mgrharry View Post
                                I've got an Asus GX531GW-AB76 that is not posting after a failed attempt to flash v306 in order to enable undervolting. I've dumped the BIOS via CH341 us AsProgrammer and it is attached. FYI, the BIOS chip was soldered directly to CH341 for the dump, not attached via test clip so the reading should be good. The motherboard model number is 60NR02H0-MB1010. Thanks for any help folks can provide.
                                Fault backup .

                                All donations to Badcaps are welcome.
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                                  Originally posted by mgrharry View Post
                                  Serial number is K5NRCV01W093197. Thanks.
                                  Model: GX531GWR
                                  Attached Files


                                    Originally posted by mgrharry View Post
                                    Serial number is K5NRCV01W093197. Thanks.
                                    Make another backup before you flash any other bios, then at least you will have DMI + windows key to transfer to the new one, if your backup is good. Use NeoProgrammer software, see if you get better results with it.
                                    All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                                      Thank you! File from noname2024 worked. The original BIOS chip turned out to be bad, which is why my dump was blank. I was able to pull another BIOS chip from a dead motherboard and flash that and I'm back in business. Appreciate everyone help.


                                        Good evening, my machine is an Asus GX531GX-SX74
                                        The bios that I will publish only recognizes the Intel video and not the dedicated video, in the bios it appears that it is model GX531GM and the serial number does not appear. Apparently the bios has already been changed, I tried the bios published in this thread but no video shows, some teacher could provide me with a good bios for the model of my machine. (GX531GX)
                                        Attached Files


                                          Originally posted by tktrom View Post
                                          Good evening, my machine is an Asus GX531GX-SX74
                                          The bios that I will publish only recognizes the Intel video and not the dedicated video, in the bios it appears that it is model GX531GM and the serial number does not appear. Apparently the bios has already been changed, I tried the bios published in this thread but no video shows, some teacher could provide me with a good bios for the model of my machine. (GX531GX)
                                          Attached Files

