Hi friends there are 2 original bios bin of my E5540 .. no wifi and slow start notebook
I found this in Internet my be it help's it's a Dell E5540 LA-A101P bios file ...
In your file there are to 8MB file's , i nead 8MB + 4MB nothing else.
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Hi everybody. This dump works fine with my e5540, but without wifi. Please I need to clear ME.
Is your laptop Latitude E5540 or Latitude E5440? The file of IMRANROMI is for Latitude 5440.
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Hello, please help me with clear meregion. I tied do myself but always i got error that FIT cannot open bin file
You have to merge the dumps from both spi flash (8MB+4MB) into a single file first! And then to open this merged file with the FIT to clean the ME region. The tool after cleaning the ME region will split the output file into 8mb and 4MB dumps ready to be programmed.
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Post your original bios backup (both 8MB and 4MB)
Do NOT post in all caps please!
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