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A2337 - Keyboard swap to a different layout

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    A2337 - Keyboard swap to a different layout


    I swapped the keyboard from UK to DE and in my A2337 MacBook Air M1. It works without any problem.

    But I realized, if I reinstall MacOS and when it comes to the First Time Wizard, it still detects an UK keyboard automatically. Then I need to switch it manually to German and then it works.

    Does anyone knows, where is this information stored? Can I change it?




      There is such a legend that if you restore via the Internet and then delete the language and leave only the German layout and then reinstall the system from an external drive (make the external drive in your own language), then it will be registered in a new region, maybe just rumors! but in general, each device is assigned to a specific state by serial number!


        I tried it, but it didn't work. My laptop was fresh installed via the Internet so I used an USB drive to reinstall the OS. But the keyboard is still UK. Or what are the correct steps? I have created an USB stick from my German MacOS, another laptop, is this correct?


          Probably stored in the ROM somewhere. Wouldn't worry about it TBH


            registration to the country is by serial number! if you go into the installed system and delete the native language there and leave only the required one, the system works in the required one even when reinstalling, but with a full reset to factory settings, the language attached to the serial number will return! if you really want it forever, most likely you need a donor socrum with the serial number of the required country!
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