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Asus X541UV doesn't power on

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    Asus X541UV doesn't power on

    Hi, i'm not that experienced much with voltage injection, I've had some laptops repaired using this method so please bare with me, I've got this laptop from a customer, the laptop doesn't turn on, no fan spin, no LED indications, no beeps nothing, after taking measurements,I found missing 19 rail after digging around I found that the bq chip was faulty which ive replaced with a known working one, then I found that two of the 4 n-mosfet qm1830 leading the 5v power rail were shorted which I also replaced,now the laptop got the 19v power rail, the 5 and 3v and 1 v rails restored, after checking for shorts I found out that the CPU and GPU rear and near caps are all shorted to ground (which was the case since the beginning), when I disconnected all the coils near them only the CPU/GPU sides were shorted while the rest of the board has nothing, I injected 0.9v/1.5A into the shorted caps near the CPU and I've seen a MOSFET glowing up which I replaced which turned to be shorted meanwhile I've noticed a small CPU point glowing up, I've done the same to the GPU and had the same results, ive cleared all the jumper solder point and it seemed to do the same thing, I have this problem on an other laptop that I have as well which is an asus x556uv, both has an intel i7 7500u 8gb soldered ram and a gt 920mx, when measuring the caps behind the CPU on the x541uv I get 8-27 ohms, the rest of the board, no shorts, nothing is there anything that I can do ? thank you forward.

    Originally posted by XIII View Post
    Hi, i'm not that experienced much with voltage injection, I've had some laptops repaired using this method so please bare with me, I've got this laptop from a customer, the laptop doesn't turn on, no fan spin, no LED indications, no beeps nothing, after taking measurements,I found missing 19 rail after digging around I found that the bq chip was faulty which ive replaced with a known working one, then I found that two of the 4 n-mosfet qm1830 leading the 5v power rail were shorted which I also replaced,now the laptop got the 19v power rail, the 5 and 3v and 1 v rails restored, after checking for shorts I found out that the CPU and GPU rear and near caps are all shorted to ground (which was the case since the beginning), when I disconnected all the coils near them only the CPU/GPU sides were shorted while the rest of the board has nothing, I injected 0.9v/1.5A into the shorted caps near the CPU and I've seen a MOSFET glowing up which I replaced which turned to be shorted meanwhile I've noticed a small CPU point glowing up, I've done the same to the GPU and had the same results, ive cleared all the jumper solder point and it seemed to do the same thing, I have this problem on an other laptop that I have as well which is an asus x556uv, both has an intel i7 7500u 8gb soldered ram and a gt 920mx, when measuring the caps behind the CPU on the x541uv I get 8-27 ohms, the rest of the board, no shorts, nothing is there anything that I can do ? thank you forward.
    note that the last mosfet that I've replaced was on top of the CPU which was a vcore mosphet and I've replaced a capacitor as well which was shorted and it appeared right after replacing the 5v mosfets.


      The caps near cpu/gpu will show low resistance and its normal. Share the exact resistance to GND on CPU core and GPU coils.(Not in diode mode but meter in resistance mode ,may be 200 ohms scale)


        hi, ill be back to work on the laptop in the next couple days, ill share the readings once I do, thanks for your help !

