When plugging in the laptop the LED charger light stays on solid white for about 30 seconds then it starts blinking first 3 orange then 5 white.
There was a short to ground on the +5VS rail which I solved by swapping UZ2 (from schematic which is attached) chip and the fan connector capacitor which was shorted to ground. However this didn't fix the issue as it still happens.
This is about as far as I have gotten with the repair as I can't see any other issues.
Please let me know some things I can try or things I need to check.
Thank you!
Extra Info
Motherboard details: GDI5A LA-K033P
Schematic says Dell inspiron however it is the same board as the vostro
[Mod. Edit - Vesko356] Schematic: https://www.badcaps.net/forum/showth...65#post1216565
There was a short to ground on the +5VS rail which I solved by swapping UZ2 (from schematic which is attached) chip and the fan connector capacitor which was shorted to ground. However this didn't fix the issue as it still happens.
This is about as far as I have gotten with the repair as I can't see any other issues.
Please let me know some things I can try or things I need to check.
Thank you!
Extra Info
Motherboard details: GDI5A LA-K033P
Schematic says Dell inspiron however it is the same board as the vostro
[Mod. Edit - Vesko356] Schematic: https://www.badcaps.net/forum/showth...65#post1216565