— You are requesting help
If you do not abide by the following rules, your post will be deleted.
- Hijack threads unrelated to your request
- Post a request in multiple threads
- Post a request multiple times
- Post in foreign (non-English) languages
- Share private contact information
- Offer payment of any kind whatsoever
- Bump your thread or post more than once every 48 hours. If you do so
you will receive an infraction
- Read BIOS guides, methods, resources and tools
- Try the method at BIOS guides, methods, resources and tools before requesting help
- Explain you were not able to succeed with the methods at BIOS guides, methods, resources and tools
- Use search function in case someone already answered your request
- Post under a related thread if it exists
- Provide the full machine model number, serial number (or Service tag, SNID) and the board model number (see https://www.badcaps.net/forum/showthread.php?t=88758 ) ,The serial number, make, full model number, motherboard model and revision (except QR codes) must be written/typed at your request as per the rules. Not as a picture, part of the file name and so on.
- Name your thread with make, full model numbers and request
- Provide a BIOS/EC dump if possible
- Attach files directly to your post instead of linking to external websites
- Post what the problem is,be specific - Black screen,no boot,running slow,password.
Do NOT post "clean me","clear bios","clean bios","bios need" or other such terms
Requests for password removal or BIOS repair for which the method is available at BIOS guides, methods, resources and tools will not be tolerated anymore if you do not explain why you did not succeed.
— You are offering help
Please remember that no one is forcing you to provide help on this forum. If you are willing to help without anything in return, you are highly encouraged to do so. If you are not, then this is not the place for you.
If you do not abide by the following rules, your post will be deleted and you will be banned for anything related to commercial offers.
- Attempt to sell anything
- Post external link to paid or registration only or website (incl. in archive)
- Post passworded archive
- Post unsolicited self-advertisment
- Nag people with solutions you are not willing to share
- Share private contact information
- Do business in private messages
- Seek businness opportunities
- Openly ask for donations
- Post software with malware
- Post homemade software breaking any of these rules
- Willingly post misinformation
- Attach files directly to your post instead of linking to external websites
- Post the source code of any homemade software¹
¹. There are been multiple controversies about software developed by the community in the past. In order to avoid it happening again and support sharing the actual knowledge, source code will be required for any future software developed by the community. Source code will be highly appreciated for any existing software or for online software (SaaS type). In case of any suspicion of broken rule for existing software or online software, the software may be removed if the source code is not released.