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ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

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    ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

    Hello, I'm new to all of this, so bare with me.
    My personal history with this board: I would like to say this mother board was a pain. I remembered building my computer when this board was first released. The first two boards wasn't able to boot dual channel memory, only as single channel. They were made in Taiwan. I returned them and noticed on the shelves that there was also another batch made in China. I picked this one up and it booted into dual channel memory fine. After a year, I noticed the caps getting bulky and some leaking brown stuff, but I kept using it. Now after 6-7 years it stopped working and was unable to post.

    So the caps on the board are:

    23x 820uf 6.3v KZG (replaced with Nichicon HN)
    2x 1800uf 6.3v KZG (replaced with Panasonic FL)
    3x 1000uf 16v KZG
    11x 100uf 16v KMG
    2x 470uf?? 6.3v Panasonic FJS

    It's able to post now, but I'm gonna order replacements for the 3x 1000uf since it's also bulging.
    Would you guys also replace the tiny 11x 100uf too?
    Attached Files

    Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

    I'd leave the 100uF KMGs, caps that small rarely cause a problem. They're rated to 105 deg. C too, so I wouldn't worry about them. The Panny FJs are good too. Just take care of those 1000uF KZGs and you're golden!


      Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

      This thread is probably dead lol, but if your still here, put a small fan pointing down on that copper heatsink by the mosfets, that nforce chipset is sure to run hot and fail after a few years.


        Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

        Thanks for the replies. I ordered the parts including the 100uf the day before Player2 replied XD. That's good to know that the 100uf should be okay. Since I already got the parts, I just replaced all of them except the Panny FJs. Computer seems to be working fine for my typical normal usage.

        To mcdaydavies: Are you saying the nforce chipset will die or the mosfets due to the heat from the nforce chip? Unfortunately my case doesn't have support for a fan blowing on that copper heatsink. In fact my case actually sucks. It's poorly designed for airflow; It's the Lian Li pc-v2100 and inverts the board so that the cpu is at the bottom which I believe is causing more heat to be retained inside the case. Which probably lead to my caps leaking
        My temps are: 53C for the mother board and amd x2 4400+ core 0 from 56-74C and core 1 from 49-65C.


          Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

          I realise this is an old post, and I apologize for bumping - but does anybody have this motherboard and know where the 470uf caps go? I went hog wild removing 8x20mm caps thinking they were all the 820uf caps and now don't know where the 470uf caps go. I'd appreciate a photo w/ a highlight/mark where the 470uf caps go.


            Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

            Warewolf - give me a day or 2 to dig out my old board and take some pics. I moved late last month and don't have my work area set up in my new location yet....

            I need to know the revision level of your board. I don't know if there were any cap changes with the revision changes.
            Stupidity should be a crime, especially for drivers. I have NO patience for them.


              Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

              I am here to try and recover my A8N-SLI Deluxe without the "32". I had given my computer to someone to try and build a server out of it with parts I had been collecting.

              He reported a number of caps are bloated and I need a new MOBO. I do not have the MOBO in front of me but will pick it up in the next day or so I would like to try and revive the board.

              Will my MOBO have the same selection of caps as the "32" listed here? Which ones should I replace to prevent future issues on the board?


                Re: ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe

                Okay, after finally locating my A8N-SLI board, I have a cap schedule for this model. I have the A8N-SLI Rev 1.02, and the attached pics are of it. This board had the UCC KZG's, I used the Nichicon HM's as replacements. The Panasonic FJ's are original as well as the Rubycon MBZ's. I haven't had a need (yet) to replace the nonvented Lelon TK 100uF 16 Volt caps.

                I marked the caps as below:
                Green - Nichicon HM 470uF, 10 Volt, 8mm diameter
                Yellow - Panasonic FJ 820uF, 6.3 Volt, 8mm diameter
                Purple - Rubycon MBZ 1500uF, 6.3 Volt, 8mm diameter
                Dark Blue - Lelon TK 100uF, 16 Volt, 5mm diameter
                Red - Nichicon HM 1000uF, 16 Volt, 8mm diameter
                Attached Files
                Stupidity should be a crime, especially for drivers. I have NO patience for them.

