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Dell 2007WFP Powers off Continuously

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    Dell 2007WFP Powers off Continuously

    Folks, I'm excited to see that another member has recently been posting questions about his 2007WFP and has been receiving so much help. I've done a lot of searching and havent found too many people what what seem to be similar problems.

    Its a Dell 2007WFP Refurb monitor purchased several years ago but has seen fairly light use. A few weeks ago while i was using it, it restarted by itself but I didnt think too much of it (loose power cable or power blip or something) but yesterday it started doing it repetitively and to a point where it wont even power back on except for the occasional blink of the green power light. (Of course I was so sure I'd find an obvious problem inside I took it apart right away instead of letting it cool and trying it again to see if it was heat related).

    In more detail: I turned it (the monitor) on yesterday afternoon and within a few seconds (less than 30) it was already starting its power cycling. (By the way its not connected to a computer, only to a composite video input.) The screen would go black, power light off, and then after about 1-2 seconds it would start to power itself back on. The animated Dell logo would appear and the immediately the image (flawless image, btw). For a period of time it seemed like the power cyclings were getting further apart and I thought maybe the power supply board was going bad but would have enough life after it warmed up, but within a few more minutes, the cyclings were becoming drastically more repetitive until the point where the monitor stopped powering on and only very rarely (every couple of minutes) would the green power light come on, but only for a second and then would go back out.

    I've taken the back off the monitor and taken out the PSB but it looks flawless, no burn marks or obvious damage. I did some searching on eBay and Google but havent found any direct replacements for the PSB. I did find one seller on eBay who is selling a n-channel MOSFET 2SK3548 that claims it is a repair item for the 2007WFP. Low and behold i found that MOSFET on the PSB but it looks fine. Could a failed MOSFET be causing this type of behavior? I asked the eBay seller and this is the reply i got: "In general MOSFET can fail due to overheating which cause current to increase exceeding the maximum current rating for that MOSFET." I do some control work with 120 and 480v but when it comes to component level stuff I start to get a little foggy.

    Any thoughts? The 2SK3548 on eBay would be 10$ to try. Do you think its worth it? I read somewhere that generally MOSFETs that fail do so catastrophically.


    Re: Dell 2007WFP Powers off Continuously

    Originally posted by ijf0 View Post
    Folks, I'm excited to see that another member has recently been posting questions about his 2007WFP and has been receiving so much help.

    I read somewhere that generally MOSFETs that fail do so catastrophically.
    If you have been reading the threads, you will notice everyone includes clear focused pictures of their boards. Dell could have different revisions or totally different boards. Post your pictures after reading this

    If you have a multimeter, you can easily test if your MOSFET is good or bad.

    Also, check the backside of all your boards for bad cold/solder joints.
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    If you are new to this forum, we can help a lot more if you please post clear focused pictures (max resolution 2000x2000 and 2MB) of your boards using the manage attachments button so they are hosted here. Information and picture clarity compositions should look like this post.

    We respectfully ask that you make some time and effort to read some of the guides available for basic troubleshooting. After you have read through them, then ask clarification questions or report your findings.

    Please do not post inline and offsite as they slow down the loading of pages.

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      Re: Dell 2007WFP Powers off Continuously

      I'll try to post photos tonight when I get home.


        Re: Dell 2007WFP Powers off Continuously

        Hi there, I´m looking for someone who know the value of the ZD701 little zener diode, because mine is blown and I can´t find the breackdown voltage nowhere...
        If you have an inverter board of the 2007WFP/FPB an will to help me, please measure the voltage drop on this little zener while the monitor is on putting the voltimeter on the terminals of the zener.
        Thanks in advance

