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Logitech Z5500 problem need help fixing

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    I'm going to get a VGA cable, cut it at one end and do the control pod bypass hack. This will let me know if it's the control pod, or the sub circuit board. Will do that asap.


      doesn't hurt to try.


        Originally posted by Sam Scarbo View Post
        The post you quoted said the 2 MELF diodes are causing problem as mentioned in that post. They are probably referring to D700 and D701. These are the only MELF diodes i can see in the control pod from your pictures. The post mentioned to replace with some diodes like BAV103. The U701 LM317 plastic casing seems deformed or just dirty in the pictures. You should check all 3 LM317's voltages. That post said they should output 5v, 3.3v and 2.5v. Good luck.
        If you are not skillful enough to make electrical measurement and such, you may look for a repair shop or a friend who knows electronics for help. Making harsh attempts may damage some more components.
        The 2 MELF diodes D700 and D701 sound very suspicious. They should be replaced first with some rectifying diodes that can safely pass 1A or 2. Any repair guy can easily find some of these diodes (e.g. 4 diodes used in bridge rectifier in a DC adapter). It may not be leadless type but just see if they can solder them for quick testing.

