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New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

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    Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

    Originally posted by Elsid79 View Post
    try it
    Hi, it's asking for a password to install it. Any idea which it could be?


      Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

      I have the same issue for the connection , but i changed also thet databit to 7 , but it doesn't work. My PC recognize the port ?
      Can you help me


        Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

        @vinifera did you try to reeboot your pc after changing some settings from usb adapter or psoft?

        Another question about PSoft and the Settings Controller Tab. Is it supposed to show something?


          Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

          Can this software also be used for an ACHI IR-12000


            Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT


            I've been trying to get this software running for days, unfortunately without success

            have already tried 2 different rs232-usb adapters (chipset CH340 and pl 2303) unfortunately still without success

            can you tell me who it works, which OS you are using and which usb input 2.0 3.0?

            I myself use windows 10 64bit on usb 2.0 and 3.0 tried all the settings also changed the computer afterwards, unfortunately, it was restarted without success.

            I would be very happy to receive help / information

            many thanks


              Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

              SAme here no luck in opening the port. It managed to open once and while it was reading the data it closed and since no luck. Tried different computers with onboard COM ports. Also tried shortening the cables.

              I am trying to connect to ALTEC PC410 which is mounted on ACHI-IR-PRO-SC

              Anyone with suggestions? Also how to run line tests and read altec via other means. Their test software is all Chinese and hard to decode


                Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                Check the connection parameters inside the altec pc410, enter the same ones that the psof software requires.

                I have changed the top heater (from IR to air) with good result
                Attached Files
                Last edited by jasko_jacker; 08-05-2021, 11:20 AM.


                  Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                  Im trying the same mod. Did you wire up the top heater fan to be on all the time?

                  Also my input 2 on pc410 was closed, I have attached the air heaters thermocouple there. But I'm not sure if it gets detected or acknowledged. I saw here that I should use the bottom thermocouple in parallel to rex instead if I want to drive them from PC410, is that the way it is planned? It is very hard to make sense of its documentation.
                  Are you using the thermocouple within the air heater?
                  Last edited by ZixuTech; 08-05-2021, 02:09 PM.


                    Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                    As you know, various types of heat transmission have been used over the years (air flow, air flow with inert gas, ceramic IR, quartz IR, focused IR, etc.) in order to improve the quality of the welding of BGA components (leed free and high density bga). Why do we want to modify it if we have a non-professional but still good quality welding machine?
                    Probably because we are not satisfied with the quality of the weld and we think that the fault lies in the type of technology used for the transmission of heat. This is partly true with some components (rectangular shaped mobile processors, large components, etc) but often the fault comes from the soldering profile, the flux used and the use of low quality thermocouples often placed incorrectly.
                    In my opinion the best technology ever is a focused IR but the cost is very high, over $ 30,000. Personally Iìm modifying the IR-pro to solder the rectangular CPUs and after various tests I can tell you that:
                    1 - Psof is partially used with the air top heater as the bottom heater (in the absence of an additional air nozzle) must have a static profile that is independent of any changes in the temperature of the top layer (see the profile I posted)
                    2 - The fan of the top heater is always on and has a constant speed
                    3 - The thermocouple of the top heater measures the temperature of the air flow which is not the same as the top layer and this is different from the temperature under the component. (in this case, tests must be made to establish a correspondence between the air temperature and that of the top layer, the problem is that in some cases the relationship is not linear).
                    4 - You can use a thermocouple close to the component for safety but the temperature is affected by the air flow coming out of the nozzle.

                    So in conclusion, in a situation where the machine is working as expected and the thermocouples are of good quality (omega thermocouples bought in the UK and not in China where many are fake) the component is placed correctly, getting a good profile is the most difficult of the welding process.
                    Last edited by jasko_jacker; 08-07-2021, 12:16 PM.


                      Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                      The Psof software was created to obtain that the real temperatures are as close as possible to the solder profile when using a machine with both top heaters with ceramic IR technology. In other cases it is not so necessary
                      This is a profile I use to solder medium bga as hm170, etc with an IR-pro modified.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by jasko_jacker; 08-07-2021, 12:31 PM.


                        Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                        Thank you for sharing your profile and insight on this. My reason for needing modification on this ACHI SC Pro is because I cannot reach a melting point on bigger iMac graphic cards. 400w top heater is a joke, especially when the environment temperature is below 25*C

                        I see your point re: targeted heat, but 30k for a reflow machine is insane unless you manufacture something with it. Sadly the repair business is a dying field and I can't even justify 6K for a "better" Chinese clone than the one I have.

                        I have got a top blow heater from LY but it came with a damaged fan which resulted in burning the heating element. While waiting for a replacement heating element of 800w and 1200w, I wanted to modify the rest so I can have it ready by the element's arrival.

                        Thermocouple which is connected to PC410 although having quite a long wire seems to measure temp with +-10*C error especially at higher temperatures. But stabilizes towards 200*C, may be worth getting the one you recommended. Can you pass me a link if you have one? I am on the other side of the globe and ordering from Asia is easier faster.
                        Last edited by ZixuTech; 08-07-2021, 05:05 PM.


                          Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                          Originally posted by jasko_jacker View Post
                          As you know, various types of heat transmission have been used over the years (air flow, air flow with inert gas, ceramic IR, quartz IR, focused IR, etc.) in order to improve the quality of the welding of BGA components (leed free and high density bga). Why do we want to modify it if we have a non-professional but still good quality welding machine?
                          Probably because we are not satisfied with the quality of the weld and we think that the fault lies in the type of technology used for the transmission of heat. This is partly true with some components (rectangular shaped mobile processors, large components, etc) but often the fault comes from the soldering profile, the flux used and the use of low quality thermocouples often placed incorrectly.
                          In my opinion the best technology ever is a focused IR but the cost is very high, over $ 30,000. Personally Iìm modifying the IR-pro to solder the rectangular CPUs and after various tests I can tell you that:
                          1 - Psof is partially used with the air top heater as the bottom heater (in the absence of an additional air nozzle) must have a static profile that is independent of any changes in the temperature of the top layer (see the profile I posted)
                          2 - The fan of the top heater is always on and has a constant speed
                          3 - The thermocouple of the top heater measures the temperature of the air flow which is not the same as the top layer and this is different from the temperature under the component. (in this case, tests must be made to establish a correspondence between the air temperature and that of the top layer, the problem is that in some cases the relationship is not linear).
                          4 - You can use a thermocouple close to the component for safety but the temperature is affected by the air flow coming out of the nozzle.

                          So in conclusion, in a situation where the machine is working as expected and the thermocouples are of good quality (omega thermocouples bought in the UK and not in China where many are fake) the component is placed correctly, getting a good profile is the most difficult of the welding process.

                          jasko_jacker, can you give me an example of "focused IR" BGA Rework Stations ?! Not have importance the price...

                          Thank you very much, Dan


                            Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT



                              Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                              Ah... of course... "famous"... but I think that the only difference between the "famous" and this URL=""][/URL]

                              is only... the price. The famous are only a high priced popcorn machine and second are a cheap Chinese barbeque but none are a real BGA Rework Station ! In rest, I'm sorry but both are same garbage. Both use in worst ever mode a 150W infrared reflector bulb.

                              The "famous" as you see in this image use a truly "focused" IR (when I say "focused" I say "gaussian beam"), gaussian beam , as you see from images, the maximum intensity are in the middle of the target (BGA chip) and minimum intensity are on the border, that "gaussian beam" or... "focused beam" result in soldering balls in middle of BGA and on border of BGA remain unsoldered balls or... if you want to solder the balls from border... well... result on excesiv / damaging energy in the middle of BGA. Most of the chip manufacturers recommend for middle to borders (corners) maximum 7 Celsius degrees non uniformity !

                              And for the... "famous"... I don't want to speak about how are the Fluke infrared sensors used (transformed to K-type compatible output) or... about infrared emissivity of an object (BGA) that is highly dependent with the color, material, texture and so on (here you have some materials emissivity values, and this... infrared emissivity can result in even 90% or more errors in temperature reading (90% at 200 celsius degrees are pretty much for my taste).

                              Last but not least... Please we do not can even speak about the energy (infrared) control for top and bottom heaters, did you see what curve / graphic can control ? I'm sorry but I don't see that manner to control a rework / reflow process in only one datasheet.

                              The "famous" remain for persons that not buy this popcorn machine... a dream (due to misunderstanding / undocumented and so on) and for that guys that buy it... only a source of problems that generate the famous words "BGA Rework process success rate"

                              By the way... did you see a round BGA chip ?! In 35 years of electronic service I don't see a round BGA chip, I see square / rectangle but round... NO.

                              In the attached image you have an example for a near to perfect, variable dimensions (from 10mm to 65mm) square shape IR NIR (Near InfraRed) spot (was an old experiment / test from... 2017 if I remember correctly).

                              Thank you very much for your clarification but... NO... the "famous dream" are not a BGA Rework Station !

                              Best regards, Dan
                              Attached Files


                                Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                                Originally posted by Th3_uN1Qu3 View Post
                                This is interesting, indeed those machines you linked look pro, i have seen them before, but that price tag... It is maybe applicable for large service centers doing warranty contracts for one of the big brands.

                                When you're doing 8-10 year old laptops for $60 a job (and that's best case, a lot of times here you have to work for less or the client runs away ), and you're getting 10, maybe 15 rework jobs a month... you're gonna recoup that investment in over 2 years, which is a long time when your country is currently governed by thieves, all prices are rising and pay is less and less.

                                I never said all IR machines are bad, we are talking about the affordable Chinese rework stations here. Even if i had that kind of money to spend (there's a chance i never will), i would invest it in a different kind of business.
                                I will put here another reply, only for the reason that this subject (entire subject, not only what I quoted) have a representative amount of errors. This errors that peoples makes represent a huge percent of errors that the peoples (at world level) makes, in his running / searching / dreaming to find some "Holly Grails" to personally solve the BGA Rework Stations problems.

                                First of all lets dismount the "hot air / hot gas / nitrogen capable and so on..." myth that are applied to low cost / high cost "popcorn machine" that are selling to us like a ultra super mega acurate / precise "BGA Rework Stations", noting more wrong / fake !

                                Air / gas / "nitrogen capable" use the named "direct convection heating transfer". What that mean ?! That mean that you heat on some (one top and in some case bottom) the air / gas / nitrogen and send it to a targets (BGA / component / PCB) over this medium movement (air / gas flow).

                                The problem is... the medium ! Gases true excellence are a... PERFECT TEMPERATURE INSULATOR ! Look here and here

                                That mean that the energy that the gases can transfer is minimal ! The mass / thermal inercia is huge ! You can't precise control that type of system ! Above all this... you need to heat the gas at heater output with 100 - 150 Celsius degrees more that you expect to be at component / BGA / PCB level (350 - 400 Celsius degrees) ! This huge temperature difference give to component / PCB / BGA heat sensitive superficie the chance / possibility to absorb what he want from this huge temperature that it have at his disposition ! Result ?! Popcorn component / BGA / PCB and if you insist with this huge temperature, the result are... all BURNING !

                                Hot air / gas / nitrogen capable - BUSTED , ERROR, FAKE MITH ! Don't choose this system !

                                Above this... how can you send to BGA balls the nitrogen ??? when you send this gas from 4 side ? (the under BGA system are in a equilibrium pressure... the gas DON'T flow under the BGA !!!) who say "nitrogen capable" are speaking from a point of view of "Pseudoscience" here you can read about

                                Let dismount this black / yellow / white mega super Ceramic heaters myth.

                                This super / mega / "professionals" generate infrared / IR. Until now all is ok. The big problem is... where in infrared spectrum is situated the emission ?! Well I can tell you that garbage emit in LWIR (Long Wave InfraRed) here you can see details - Bad approach, LWIR emitters have huge inertia, in fact the energy are transmitted due to air convection not due to infrared because LWIR have short distance propagation ! To use this heaters you need a huge amount of power that is incontrolable due to his huge inertia.

                                I write about inertia many times, why are important inertia ?! To control a temperature system you need to modulate the heating element how fast you can, think... a really fast temperature sensor give information 10 times / second, the PID normally actuate at last 10 time faster that the sensor information are readied, 100 times / second, a garbage ceramic heater can actuate at... 30 seconds... in the best case due to his huge inertia! Fast = low inertia.

                                Lets dismount the... K-Type super / mega / accurate / precise / 1 Celsius degrees of accuracy / precision thermocouple nothing more wrong / fake !

                                This type of thermocouple is the most widely used in the popcorn / barbeque machine that "Fake manufacturers" it sell to us ! Even one "famous manufacturer" convert the IR temperature sensor to K-Type compatible signal output !!! This is an aberration ! That behavior introduce a huge amount of errors on conversion process !

                                This super / mega / hiper thermocouple precision - here ve have some... theoretical values - Type K (Chromel / Alumel) -200 to 1300 2.2 °C accuracy !!! Look here Be careful this is only... in theory ! In practice the accuracy ar worst. In practice the accuracy are 4-5 Celsius degrees (in best cases) but can be more than 10-15 Celsius degrees.

                                The K-Type contact thermocouple are the worst possibility that you can choose (ALL MANUFACTURERS CLAIM 1 CELSIUS DEGREE OF ACCURACY), BUSTED , ERROR, FAKE MITH ! Don't choose this system !

                                Let dismount the... IR Temperature sensors ! that are more and more populare in these days.

                                Every object (in normal conditions, even in vacuum you can see IR spectrum of stars) emit electromagnetic radiation, one in X-Ray spectrum, another in IR spectrum and so on... The IR temperature sensors look at the IR emissivity spectrum and translate / transpose / convert this emissivity to measured temperature. This is short / uncomplicated story. But... it come the complicated story... THE OBJECT EMISSIVITY ARE NOT IGUAL TO ALL OBJECTS !!! The object emissivity vary from one object to another, from a material to another, from a color to another and so on... Look here to an examples -

                                The ideal object emissivity is 1. But this is in... theory, in the real world, object emissivity never will be 1. In fact it have a huge variation, even a 0.1 emissivity errors can induce at 100 celsius degrees a 10 degrees of errors ! BUSTED , ERROR, FAKE MITH ! Don't choose this system !

                                Board / PCB support. Well... nobody seems that pay attention at this aspect when it speaking about BGA Rework Stations. This aspect have a huge importance that give the quality of the process. Al popcorn / barbeque manufacturers use more or less same method... it clamp rigid the board / PCB in to an aluminium support. That mean FIXED. BAD approach. The board / PCB in the Rework Process is expanding / dilatating, if is fixed support... well... THE BOARD / PCB WILL... BEND / DEFORM. And this is nothing good when you want to mount a BGA. BUSTED , ERROR, FAKE MITH ! Don't choose this system !

                                PID temperature control (or... no PID, fixed points). - an amputated brain apes planet !

                                NOBODY on this planet can accurate control the temperature graph that manufacturers recommend ! On the internet you will see a huge amount of aberrations, errors, fake guru's... amputated brain apes... that clame "perfection / didactics / PID / ramps / fake manufacturers recommendations and so on". In fact they only... ADAPT what they can made manufacture to today "marketing necessities" that he need, that only cheat a honest potential buyer ! Only to pay for some garbage and after... only problems. Never ever somebody have full control for the Rework Process (until now ).

                                Look here - and here -

                                I specially upload for you two Rework Process to visually see the difference between 1-20 celsius degrees errors vs time (in the first video) and 1-4 celsius degrees vs time (second video). This videos was not public until now and I hope that these videos will clarify for you some basics aspects of BGA Rework Process that a BGA Rework Station MUST RESPECT ! The videos are accelerated with X10 speed (the original BGA Rework Process take 6 minute).

                                The internet support anything, like paper (fakes guru's, amputated brain apes and so on) but... the BGA and the PCB NOT SUPORT THIS!

                                Let analize the... Price ! You have on the internet prices from under $100 (some Chinese garbage) to $120.000 (a Weller garbage) !

                                What can we buy from this products that are all over the internet and clame... perfection ?! Well... we need to buy something that respect the BGA and the board / PCB, something that respect the Rework Process that is recommended in every datasheet from all manufacturers, flux / paste / balls / materials and so on.

                                Another important aspect of the problem that is generated by price are illustrated here "This is interesting, indeed those machines you linked look pro, i have seen them before, but that price tag... It is maybe applicable for large service centers doing warranty contracts for one of the big brands.

                                When you're doing 8-10 year old laptops for $60 a job (and that's best case, a lot of times here you have to work for less or the client runs away ), and you're getting 10, maybe 15 rework jobs a month... you're gonna recoup that investment in over 2 years, which is a long time when your country is currently governed by thieves, all prices are rising and pay is less and less.

                                I never said all IR machines are bad, we are talking about the affordable Chinese rework stations here. Even if i had that kind of money to spend (there's a chance i never will), i would invest it in a different kind of business." this is a reply in this post by Th3_uN1Qu3

                                @Th3_uN1Qu3 - If you don't like your country politics (Romania... one of the beautiful ever country that I see) go away. You are not the first and for sure you not will be the last !

                                "Think young, it's your only... HOPE" @Th3_uN1Qu3 Why do you need only for you... a BGA Rework Station ?! I think that you don't need that... Think... if you (in Bucharest 1,794,248 peoples...) are join let see 10 professionals like you, everyone with 10 BGA at month... that mean about 100-150 BGA Reworked in a month, X $50 for me are... $5000-$7500 in a month ! you can recuperate a... let say $15.000 in only two month ! You only need to split the $15.000 to 10 users and pay a guy to made 8 hours daily... only BGA Rework, nothing more !

                                Your problem and not only your problem is that you don't have anything to buy independent to the price that you want. And pay attention with "buy by price" philosophy... this came only with PROBLEMS.

                                P.D. All information in this post are with only intention to inform, this information you don't have it in one place over the internet. All information are is "short story" version and we can debate all aspects (I don't have much time for that). I DO NOT SELL ANYTHING, I DO NOT WANT DONATIONS, I DO NOT MAKE PUBLICITY AT NOTHING, ALL WHAT I WRITE HERE ARE MY PERSONAL OPINION AFTER 35 yeas of electronic service / soldering and 10 YEARS OF SERCHING FOR... A REAL PROFESIONAL BGA REWORK STATION. I don't find it !

                                The 2 link with video I hope that is not bad, I don't put these links with publicity intentions, I put it here only to balance in the corect / right way path, all ineptitudes / aberrations / amputated brain apes philosophies that approach a BGA Rework Process all over the internet.

                                @Th3_uN1Qu3 By the way... the "AlphaControl" software that you see in the videos... was born in Spain and send to be polished in... guess ?! The City of Roses - Timisoara / Romania seems that in your country exist some guys that... understand and respect this magic / wonderful Rework Process


                                  Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                                  Originally posted by mc4ren View Post
                                  Hi, it's asking for a password to install it. Any idea which it could be?
                                  No one is having this password issue?


                                    Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                                    Password is on serial.txt file (like 49327-33212-45674). The serial no is the password.


                                      Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                                      Originally posted by xxxDUCUxxx View Post
                                      Password is on serial.txt file (like 49327-33212-45674). The serial no is the password.
                                      Thanks, finally got it.


                                        Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT

                                        anybody who says they cant get this to connect - DO A LOOPBACK TEST with a terminal program like putty.
                                        99% of problems are windows/driver problems with serial issues.


                                          Re: New Software Achi LY by PSOFT


