Both the "old" and "new" firmware in the archive had the display upside down and inverted like I had with the first firmware in this post by tom666
"The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it."
The encoder works, it does not in the firmware I posted by tom666.
One strange thing is on first power on contrast is alright, but on the second it gets very dim.
Contrast is then around 40 something, I increase it to 48 and it's good.
Around 110 > 115 also gives good contrast btw.
I tested a capacitor and it seemed to give the same reading as with the firmware by tom666, so it seems alright...
Didn't test more because it's a brainfuck to invert the picture in your brain
Yea vinceroger69 said that worked the best on his per the quote below.
Maybe I put some component for the LCD in the wrong position, want to take a look at my build and tell me if all resistors are right?
In particular is there 0.1% vs 1% resistors in the kit?
Because I just measured them and put them in the circuit, was impossible for me to see the color bands in the evening...
Thinking that could account for the difference in contrast...
Your resistor bands match my prebuilt unit spot on so not a issue there i have just re tried the best contrast and in my opinion 40 is the best to get a nice clear easy to read screen.
at 50 its a black oblong but can still read the text ok
Last edited by vinceroger69; 07-16-2016, 03:31 AM.
Thanks vinceroger69, I had checked it before too but it's nice to have it double checked
Stj, "testing-bg-kit.zip" gives the scrolling line of text.
It's not the same as in my previous post above though.
But it's exactly the same as in the quoted post below.
I took a new picture and attached it.
Because I realize this one is also probably upside down and inverted unlike the others.
It showed one scrolling line of text like your others, this time it was a bit better contrast and maybe thicker fonts, or just slower, difficult to say...
Attached Files
"The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it."
from a quick test stj with prebuilt kit side by side theres s diffrent firmware v1.12 is on my prebuilt unit in the menu on the kit no rotary encoder is listed (this does work ok but turns opposite way) contrast seems ok on your file set as 45 it calibrated ok too i will test some parts later with both meters running same tests thanks stj for your time and help its aprreciated.
edit good meter testing a 680uf cap 743.6uf esr.14 resistor 987.5
kit we are working on 758.0 esr.08 resistor 988.1
edit kit we are working on with part under test in socket meter does not auto time out like my prebuilt kit does.
Last edited by vinceroger69; 07-16-2016, 05:59 AM.
fresh build works not tried flip,encoder works fine in reverse display is fine just like my prebuilt kit and anywhere between 45 and 50 but got both side by side now and yes 50 0n both does look the sweet spot as you call it, font size seems ok to me about the same as the other tester yes stuff is laid out diffrently but i like it too be honest lets see how per hansson likes it? and then yes can upgrade it too 16 mhz
whats your thoughts on the capacitor reading diffrence?
yes both calibrated same capacitor same way on both meters resistors read fine just capacitors off a little
0n my very early version tester the same capacitor reads 772.8 esr0?
so yes three testers same capacitor three diffrent firmware versions all read diffrently
Last edited by vinceroger69; 07-16-2016, 06:33 AM.