Ive emailed the seller of this kit asking if they can send me the build instructions so i can study them before the tester comes there answer they dont have one so has anyone got build instructions link for this new model many thanks.
Ive emailed the seller of this kit asking if they can send me the build instructions so i can study them before the tester comes there answer they dont have one so has anyone got build instructions link for this new model many thanks.
Well the kit has just arrived the bad news is the pcb has none of the parts identified on it bacically its marked r1 r2 c1 c2 etc no instructions either in the package and the seller hasnt got any either i will try to upload a picture later but without knowing what value resitor/capacitor etc goes where im a bit stuck.
sure is heres the pictures of course some of it its easy to figure out but resitors value location im stuck on also theres three diffrent transistors types so stuck on locations for those too.
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Last edited by vinceroger69; 06-17-2016, 07:05 AM.
cheers stj someone else also posted this new manual for me on eevblog im just having a read of it now and also going too measure the resistors in the kit and see what matches up etc.
Im just measuring all the resistor values in the kit and also seeing what the four transistor part numbers are the rest i have already figured out.
its a 8 mhz crystal
transistors are 2x c945 p331 1x 4673 4c gf 2 1x ws tl431 928
resistors x6 10k x2 110 ohm x2 27k x3 470k x1 470 ohm 1x 33k x3 680 ohm x1 100k x1 5.6k x2 3.3k x1 2.2 there is also x1 brown looking type resistor but it only has 1 black band dead centre of it but there are 23 resistors in this kit plus the odd brown one but only 21 fitted resistors in the kit.
Now the main issue what resistor transistor goes where.
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Last edited by vinceroger69; 06-17-2016, 11:30 AM.
thanks guys although i cant see that 0 ohm used on this tester in all the pictures online Whats your thoughts guys regarding selling these kits but no build instructions? hows the average hobbiest supposed to know which part goes where? theres nothing in the add to say about instructions either way im struggling to find information about it im using this site and eeblog and even those guys dont seem to know as yet what goes where etc
i would be tempted to ask for a refund because it cant be built without a reference sheet - that will make the bastards jump.
Too be honest i just have if i can get a refund i will buy a pre built one the problem is who pays for shipping back too china? as thats not going too be cheap.
Yes, especially since the seller has one for sale assembled aswell!
I bought one too but I'm still waiting for it, so I'm very thankful for your work on this vinceroger
"The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it."
Yes, especially since the seller has one for sale assembled aswell!
I bought one too but I'm still waiting for it, so I'm very thankful for your work on this vinceroger