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fun day!

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  • chozo4
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by Junk Parts View Post
    I had and argument with my brother that is sort of like this apple worm boy thing. I asked him if he would be interested in fixing the back lights in my HP 2509m monitor. His answer was no because all of hp's products are junk! He said I should get and apple "what the fuck" computer and trash my hp PC. I wonder, do apple PC's get fruit fly infestations?
    Solution - install windows on his apple PC or switch the hardware between his PC and your 'HP' and see if he notices the difference other than a potential performance boost.
    Originally posted by momaka View Post
    Personally, I'm going to stick with my dumb phone till it dies. It does what I need and has been doing so for the last 7 years (that is, clock, wake up alarm, and the occasional call or text).
    Same here with a prepaid dumbphone from TracFone. The only thing that brought me a little closer to a 'smart phone' (still not android or anything) is the triple minutes deal on it versus the double minutes I was getting. If I could have gotten a triple minutes bonus on my tiny dumbphone I would never have to do so. However, if they ever do offer a triple minutes upgrade card I would definitely go back to it. All I need is some way to call when out and about if needed - everything else is just unnecessary.
    Last edited by chozo4; 11-19-2014, 12:39 AM.

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  • Uranium-235
    Re: fun day!

    today one of my customers called me early about her 4s searching for signals then locking up, then the "cable connector with the arrow to itunes logo" comes up on the screen. She spent several hours on the phone with apple with no help. I tried to restore it...code 3...tried it on her win7 laptop, code 3

    The guy on the phone said "code 3 can be a number of reasons"...

    while I was waiting to download IOS 8, I did some research, the problem is really more related to a write error to flash. A guy on the forum said about freezing the phone, and actually got it working. Appearently cold does well with bad flash memory sectors (most of the time). Luckily she was under warranty, and I didn't have to deal with fucking with that. A number of these phones are known for bad flash

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  • momaka
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by Topcat View Post
    only little girls argue about their friggin' phones....get a grip!
    I would agree... except nowadays it's no longer just little girls. Just about every kid from kindergarten to college does it. Fucking retarded if you ask me.
    Personally, I'm going to stick with my dumb phone till it dies. It does what I need and has been doing so for the last 7 years (that is, clock, wake up alarm, and the occasional call or text).

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  • Junk Parts
    Re: fun day!

    One Pound Fish!

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  • rhomanski
    Re: fun day!

    The last one I saw was infested with fish.
    Attached Files

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  • Junk Parts
    Re: fun day!

    I had and argument with my brother that is sort of like this apple worm boy thing. I asked him if he would be interested in fixing the back lights in my HP 2509m monitor. His answer was no because all of hp's products are junk! He said I should get and apple "what the fuck" computer and trash my hp PC. I wonder, do apple PC's get fruit fly infestations?
    Last edited by Junk Parts; 11-12-2014, 04:50 AM.

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  • c_hegge
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by BigTroll View Post
    I have had both iphones and androids and each have their ups and downs
    Nah. Apple does not have ups. They are just overpriced ripoffs. A good droid will do just about anything an iPhone can.

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  • goontron
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by BigTroll View Post
    reality is they are all pretty much ARM based computers with different flavours of OS and people put too much emotion into the argument, I have had both iphones and androids and each have their ups and downs, I think I like apple much less after ceo tim cook said "being gay is the greatest gift god gave him" either way I am rocking a Galaxy SII which has the BEST AMOLED Screen of every galaxy it has a real RGB matrix not that pentile crap they put on the later ones to save money.
    for the record apples A5, even if ARMEL based, is not a true dual core.

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  • BigTroll
    Re: fun day!

    reality is they are all pretty much ARM based computers with different flavours of OS and people put too much emotion into the argument, I have had both iphones and androids and each have their ups and downs, I think I like apple much less after ceo tim cook said "being gay is the greatest gift god gave him" either way I am rocking a Galaxy SII which has the BEST AMOLED Screen of every galaxy it has a real RGB matrix not that pentile crap they put on the later ones to save money.

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  • PeteS in CA
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by SteveNielsen View Post
    It is my opinion that if the iPhans and MacApplebonkers weren't so freakishly outspoken about their obsession they wouldn't get so much flak from others. It reminds me of fanatical evangelists. They create conflict.
    You mean the twerps who used to parrot, "Get a Mac," at any and every opportunity? Since I knew that Macs use the same case mfrs., the same MB fabbers and assemblers, the same drives, and the same P/Ss, that mantra was less than persuasive for me; even more so today, now that Deciduous Fruit uses Intel processors.

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  • PeteS in CA
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by stj View Post
    if you bend the fone, it's logical that you bend more than the case.
    how long till some poor bastard shorts the lithium battery? !!
    Dunno about habits of EuroLanders, but on this side of the pond a lot of people carry their mobiles in their back pockets (hence the slang term "butt dialed") so maybe

    I have an iPhone, but I don't view it worshipfully; I'm typing this on a Samsung tablet. I'm not a fanboy of the Deciduous Fruit Computer Company; I particularly dislike their business plan of selling to the sort of person who absolutely must have the newest and bestest THING. Sooner or later they'll have a stumble, and the fall may be very large when their @#$% hits the fanboys and fangirls.

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  • SteveNielsen
    Re: fun day!

    It is my opinion that if the iPhans and MacApplebonkers weren't so freakishly outspoken about their obsession they wouldn't get so much flak from others. It reminds me of fanatical evangelists. They create conflict.

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  • stj
    Re: fun day!

    if you bend the fone, it's logical that you bend more than the case.
    how long till some poor bastard shorts the lithium battery? !!

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  • goontron
    Re: fun day!

    Update: seen the guy at Starbucks today, his screen cracked.

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  • ben7
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by chozo4 View Post
    Let them argue - we can all sit back and grab a lawnchair and popcorn. Better than watching reruns all day anyway and it's a new show everytime!
    LOL, I can't agree more!

    Originally posted by stj View Post
    well given that they either paid $600 or whatever, or locked themselves into a slave contract with the devil for 2 years+ i'm not surprised they are so easy to set-off

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  • stj
    Re: fun day!

    well given that they either paid $600 or whatever, or locked themselves into a slave contract with the devil for 2 years+ i'm not surprised they are so easy to set-off

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  • goontron
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by Topcat View Post
    only little girls argue about their friggin' phones....get a grip!
    i was laughing through the whole thing, the title isn't sarcastic. it is fun to watch the i-Phans get all up in arms and pissed off! and that's why i do it. although the pen to the back of the head did set me off.

    Originally posted by chozo4 View Post
    Let them argue - we can all sit back and grab a lawnchair and popcorn. Better than watching reruns all day anyway and it's a new show everytime!
    i love seeing the reactions change every time.
    Last edited by goontron; 11-10-2014, 03:45 PM.

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  • chozo4
    Re: fun day!

    Originally posted by Topcat View Post
    only little girls argue about their friggin' phones....get a grip!
    Let them argue - we can all sit back and grab a lawnchair and popcorn. Better than watching reruns all day anyway and it's a new show everytime!

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  • Topcat
    Re: fun day!

    only little girls argue about their friggin' phones....get a grip!

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  • stj
    Re: fun day!

    i see lot's of I-fans.
    they ask if i will fix the screen on a pad/fone and i say "no - chuck it in the bin"
    i then explain that i'm not into using a hot-air unit to cook the device so i can peel a load of broken glass off all over the table because apple didnt want to put the shit together with screws or clips like everybody else.

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