So, after having to move back in with my parents, I saw some things I forgot I had. Well I didn't forget them, just they'r heavy and I had absolutely NO use for them at my old place
One of them is a PE 2650, the other, which I thought was a server when I bought it at goodwill for $100, turned out to be a promise vtrack 15100, which is..well..awesome. 15 hot swappable sata carriers, all intact
anyhoooo, when I first got it I booted it up, got a serial cable and hooked it to an old system, telneted' it, reset the IP address and used promise's management software to see if it worked (actually you have to run the management software on another computer, then connect to that with ANOTHER computer over your lan). works great, dual redundant PSU's, scsi 160 external interface /w 128M cache, I hooked it to that box after putting a 49160 hba in there mirrored two drives I had. Didn't test it for that terribly long time, but it had no hitches whatsoever. Diamond in the rough, though I still want to take those PSU's apart and check the caps, as well as some of the caps on the power backplane and the larger ones on scsi board. where was I? oh yeah, all the sata ports are 150, and I know, most drives these days do not exceed 70-90MBps, but there are some other advanced features like command queuing, tagged queuing, and raid specific things that I hear a lot of people here complain about (on WD RE and raptor series). Right now my server is a PE 1800 /w two 1TB WD 1GB's in raid 1 (linux raid), and the server has 0.001% free space. I have my downloads, media (video editing), isos, and rar'd backup of my old drive on it, so I was thinking, using the promise and when the price of HD's drops or if I actually get a GOOD job, I can raid 1the TB's for my downloads, raid 10 some 2tb's for my media, and raid 6 1 or 2 TB's all the other ports (probably raid 6, with 2TB's thats 14 gigs). Wait cancel that, it only supports raid 5. Hm with 9 ports left I could do a raid 10 across 4 two drive mirrors, leaving me with 10gb. not bad. I would probably just map my drives to multiple folders there, as well as store my unused video editing projects there. I don't see any reason why I can't do this. I'd probably just have an ubuntu server on the PE 1800, and put the 64bit pci 49160 in it. I would use the 2650, it does have more ram, but ddr266 and no 64-bit support. Does this sound plausible? Not sure if it can take 3TB drives or not, ether way they're probably overkill...though my current plan seems kind of overkill too
With the PE 1800, on a gigabit switch and EXT3 compression, I could pull about 70-90 MB/s off the server? Do you think I could pull same or more with the vtrack? Maybe not off the downloads (raid 1) but probably off the 10 arrays right?
anything I should know here? take in account for? anyone want to give me 2 grand for some WD blacks? 4 grand for some RE4's?
One of them is a PE 2650, the other, which I thought was a server when I bought it at goodwill for $100, turned out to be a promise vtrack 15100, which is..well..awesome. 15 hot swappable sata carriers, all intact
anyhoooo, when I first got it I booted it up, got a serial cable and hooked it to an old system, telneted' it, reset the IP address and used promise's management software to see if it worked (actually you have to run the management software on another computer, then connect to that with ANOTHER computer over your lan). works great, dual redundant PSU's, scsi 160 external interface /w 128M cache, I hooked it to that box after putting a 49160 hba in there mirrored two drives I had. Didn't test it for that terribly long time, but it had no hitches whatsoever. Diamond in the rough, though I still want to take those PSU's apart and check the caps, as well as some of the caps on the power backplane and the larger ones on scsi board. where was I? oh yeah, all the sata ports are 150, and I know, most drives these days do not exceed 70-90MBps, but there are some other advanced features like command queuing, tagged queuing, and raid specific things that I hear a lot of people here complain about (on WD RE and raptor series). Right now my server is a PE 1800 /w two 1TB WD 1GB's in raid 1 (linux raid), and the server has 0.001% free space. I have my downloads, media (video editing), isos, and rar'd backup of my old drive on it, so I was thinking, using the promise and when the price of HD's drops or if I actually get a GOOD job, I can raid 1the TB's for my downloads, raid 10 some 2tb's for my media, and raid 6 1 or 2 TB's all the other ports (probably raid 6, with 2TB's thats 14 gigs). Wait cancel that, it only supports raid 5. Hm with 9 ports left I could do a raid 10 across 4 two drive mirrors, leaving me with 10gb. not bad. I would probably just map my drives to multiple folders there, as well as store my unused video editing projects there. I don't see any reason why I can't do this. I'd probably just have an ubuntu server on the PE 1800, and put the 64bit pci 49160 in it. I would use the 2650, it does have more ram, but ddr266 and no 64-bit support. Does this sound plausible? Not sure if it can take 3TB drives or not, ether way they're probably overkill...though my current plan seems kind of overkill too

With the PE 1800, on a gigabit switch and EXT3 compression, I could pull about 70-90 MB/s off the server? Do you think I could pull same or more with the vtrack? Maybe not off the downloads (raid 1) but probably off the 10 arrays right?
anything I should know here? take in account for? anyone want to give me 2 grand for some WD blacks? 4 grand for some RE4's?